Aerial Survey 2019
Christian Friis, Guy Morrison, Ken Ross, and Yves Aubry
Between 11 and 13 August 2019, Guy Morrison (Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Emeritus Research Scientist) and Ken Ross (retired ECCC Canadian Wildlife Service biologist), along with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) pilot Mike Ellis, conducted an aerial survey of the southern James Bay coast from Eastmain River in Quebec to the east, including offshore islands, to Ekwan Point in Ontario to the northwest, including Akimiski Island, Nunavut. This year’s survey marks the first inclusion of the Quebec side of southern James Bay in the survey area. The objective of the survey was to count shorebird species within smaller sectors generally delineated by tributaries or other landforms, allowing comparison with results from previous aerial surveys of the Ontario portion of the region. Small shorebird species (e.g., Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and White-rumped Sandpiper) are generally not easily identified from the air, despite flying at low levels. These are grouped into “peeps”. Medium and large shorebird species (e.g., Black-bellied Plover, Red Knot, and Hudsonian Godwit) are generally identifiable from the air; Greater and Lesser yellowlegs are generally counted as yellowlegs species. Surveys are conducted by helicopter at high tide, when birds are concentrated into roost locations. At low tide, birds are spread out across kilometres of exposed sand and mud flats that are characteristic of the James Bay coast. The low profile of the coast generates vast expanses of exposed flats at low tide, making it virtually impossible to get a reliable count at this point in the tidal cycle. Personnel stationed at the two field camps located at Little Piskwamish Point and Longridge Point carried out a coordinated ground count. Ground counts can be used to estimate species composition of the aerial counts.
The Albany River. Photo: C. Friis
The crew met in Timmins on 11 August 2019, flew to Moosonee in the OMNRF helicopter, and began the survey based on the predicted high tide in the early afternoon. Beginning at the Moose River, the crew flew northwards along the coastline towards Ekwan Point. Between the Moose River and Little Piskwamish Point, they recorded 6,700 Red Knots, among a total of just under 22,000 individual shorebirds. This region of southwestern James continues to be a regular staging area for rufa Red Knot. Chickney Channel, which is north of the Albany River, historically hosts large numbers of shorebirds, particularly godwits. This area had over 11,000 shorebirds including 2,150 Hudsonian Godwits, 700 Marbled Godwits, and over 6,000 peeps! The survey concluded for the day after surveying northwards to Ekwan Point and all but the northwestern portion of Akimiski island. The most abundant species on the south coast of Akimiski was Marbled Godwit, with over 1,200 individuals. Overall, over 2,100 Marbled Godwits were recorded between the Moose River and Ekwan Point on the mainland and on Akimiski Island. The population estimate of the Hudson and James Bays Marbled Godwit is 2,000 (Andres et al. 2012). The crew spent the night at the White Wolf Inn in Attawapiskat.
The next day, the crew surveyed the northwest portion of Akimiski Island in the morning. On the northwest side of the island, almost 3,000 Red Knots were recorded in the same area that 8,300 had been observed in 2018: this was a new location for knots, based on previous aerial surveys dating back to the 1970s. This section of Akimiski holds the bulk of shorebird individuals with nearly 8,000 birds, comprised of peeps (~3,500), Red Knot (~3,000), and Hudsonian Godwit (~1,500).
From Akimiski, the crew flew south to complete the survey from the Moose River east to the Quebec border. This section of the coast held just over 2,000 individuals. Hannah Bay Migratory Bird Sanctuary held the greatest abundance of birds with over 1,300 individuals, primarily peeps (~900), yellowlegs (~170), and Hudsonian Godwits (240).
On 13 August, surveys were carried out on the southeast James Bay coast of Quebec, though low cloud and fog prevented coverage of Charlton Island. Over 80% of the birds were recorded in Boatswain Bay, within the region between Rocher Emachisteweyach and Île Sisichisiniku. The bulk (99%) of the individuals recorded in Quebec were comprised of peeps (~4,600), Black-bellied Plover (~150), yellowlegs (~350), and Hudsonian Godwit (~650).
Over 48,000 individual shorebirds were recorded on the Ontario side during the survey, well under half of the totals from 2016 (about 110,000) and 2017 (about 105,600), and significantly lower than in 2018 (about 240,000). However, locations of concentrations remained consistent from year to year (Figure 1). On almost every front, counts were lower than in any of the previous three years. Red Knot counts totalled just under 9,000 individuals, as compared to 2016 (~10,600), 2017 (~2,800), and 2018 (~13,700).
Figure 1. Distribution and abundance of shorebirds by size category and year, as determined by aerial surveys 2016-2019. Click image to zoom.
Reasons for such low abundance in 2019 are unclear. Initial reports from the eastern Arctic suggested that the breeding season was good. However, reports at stopover locations in Quebec and the Maritimes indicated that this season was atypical with similarly lower counts. Julie Paquet, CWS Atlantic Region shorebird biologist, noted that Semipalmated Sandpiper migration timing was unusual in the Bay of Fundy in 2019. Adults appeared to move through the region early and juveniles showed up close to the end of August. At Mingan, very few Red Knots were counted in 2019 compared to recent years. Breeding conditions in the Arctic may influence the number of birds staging in James Bay and elsewhere on the east coast of North America. In a successful breeding year, adults could stay longer on the breeding grounds helping to raise young. In an unsuccessful year, adults may leave early, and fewer juveniles appear at migration sites. The counts from later in August (Figure 2) and juvenile counts from our James Bay field sites in 2019 suggest 2019 was not a successful breeding year for Semipalmated Sandpiper, if not for other species, too. Warmer than average temperatures in 2019 in the eastern Arctic, coupled with reported low insect abundance (Baffin Island, Leafloor pers. comm.; East Bay, English pers. comm.) could have affected breeding success and, possibly, adult survival.
Figure 2. Daily counts of Red Knot and Hudsonian Godwit (a, c) and Semipalmated and White-rumped Sandpiper (b, d) at two James Bay shorebird project sites, Longridge Point (c, d) and Little Piskwamish Point (a, b), 2016-2019. Day of year 220 is 8 August. Click image to zoom.
Season Summary 2019
The James Bay shorebird project crew has been in the field since 12 July when we opened two remote camps, Longridge Point and Little Piskwamish Point. Crews communicate via inReach SE units (two-way messaging devices) or satellite phone.
In addition to the shorebird and related habitat and resource work, we have for a second season collaborated with biologists across North America, led by a team from Alaska, to understand Lesser Yellowlegs ecology. Understanding the causes for declines in Lesser Yellowlegs is challenging because nothing is known about their over-wintering locations, important stopover sites, and whether birds are genetically distinct among breeding populations. Furthermore, there are no published survival rates for Lesser Yellowlegs, making it difficult to conduct an informed population viability analysis. In this study, we will contribute to addressing each of these knowledge gaps using a combination of tracking devices, genetic analysis, and mark-recapture survival estimation. This is the first study to document genetic variation in Lesser Yellowlegs, and the first to document the migration of this species using GPS tracking devices. This research will help us understand whether unregulated hunting on the wintering grounds is indeed a threat to birds, and will help conservation efforts. This study is a collaborative effort with strong support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, The University of Alaska Anchorage, the Smithsonian Institute, the Atlantic Shorebird Working Group, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Trent University, and The University of Alberta.
Another collaboration this year is with researchers, led by a group from Cornell University, linking genotype to phenotype in Nelson’s Sparrow populations. The idea is to test for causal links among candidate tidal marsh genes and phenotypic traits. We will use an integrative approach via collecting demographic and morphological data from four particularly tractable populations of Nelson’s Sparrow. These populations span different habitat types and have high densities: Grand Forks, North Dakota, James Bay, Ontario (interior populations), Yarmouth, Nova Scotia (coastal freshwater field), and Lubec, Maine (coastal salt water, ~20-foot tidal amplitude).
Our banding crew has been in operation at Longridge Point since 12 July. We plan to affix Lotek pin-point tags to Lesser Yellowlegs, as part of the project described above, and sample Nelson’s Sparrows. In addition, banding and flagging of shorebirds will continue throughout the season in our on-going effort to understand movement patterns of shorebirds staging in James Bay.
Photo courtesy Ron Ridout
Longridge Point
Longridge will be lead by Gray Carlin, Ross Wood, and Doug McRae during the season. Gray and Ross led the opening crew, and Doug takes over at the end of July. Gray joined us as a volunteer in 2017 originally for two weeks and decided to stay for the rest! We are happy that Gray has returned again in a lead role with us for the 2019 season; Gray led Northbluff Point in 2018. Ross is one of our most dedicated and reliable crew members. Ross has participated in the project since 2011 in a number of leadership capacities including crew leader and lead bander. Doug is a steadfast participant on the project. He has significant contributions to wildlife studies on the James Bay coast from his time with the Moosonee office of the Ministry of Natural Resources, now the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Among his contributions is work that culminated in the publication Wilson, N.C. and D. McRae. 1993. Seasonal and geographic distribution of birds for selected sites in Ontario’s Hudson Bay Lowland. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 145pp.
12-29 July
Ross Wood
A total of 121 species of bird have been recorded at Longridge Camp for the period. This includes 24 species of shorebird, most of which are encountered daily.
Shorebird numbers are relatively low, but building daily. Season highs for several species were recorded on the last day of the period, including 1,052 White-rumped Sandpipers. Ruddy Turnstones are abundant this year with a high count of 431 on July 28th. “Peep” numbers are still only about 2,000 in the area, with White-rumps currently representing a higher proportion than Semipalmated. Soon, this number should grow quickly with more adults and the arrival of the juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers.
The first morning in camp we were treated to a singing male Scarlet Tanager, a first for the project. A meadowlark was seen on two occasions on July 16th, unfortunately species could not be confirmed. Two family groups of American Coots in a pond close to camp are an interesting breeding record. The young are obviously of two different ages but mixed between two adults and provide a fun challenge to see how many can be spotted each day. There are at least seven young with two adults.
On July 25th surveyors at the tip of Longridge were lucky enough to have a Black Guillemot fly in to join them and provide excellent photo opportunities. Also discovered at the tip of Longridge on this date was a single Common Tern nest with three eggs. Although Common Terns are counted daily, this is our first nest. Arctic Tern has also been observed, but far less frequently than Common.
Finch numbers were very low for about the first week or so, but have increased dramatically over the last week. White-winged Crossbills were initially the most common finch counted daily, but were recently surpassed by Common Redpolls. Redpolls can be seen, or more often heard, flying in off the bay all day, but particularly in the morning. Our first two Red Crossbills were detected on July 27th, with two more on the 29th. American Goldfinches although common in Moosonee are rarely detected in camps along the coast, so a flock of four being chased and harassed by a family group of young Northern Shrikes was a sight to see. Common Nighthawk, Long-eared Owl, and an adult Northern Goshawk have been nice recent additions around camp in the last few days. Water levels in the marsh are lower than last year, but at least a couple Yellow Rails “sing” us to sleep each night.
Along with the surveying, there is banding taking place. All shorebird caught are measured, banded and leg flagged in hopes they will be re-sighted by birders further south along their migration routes. To date Semipalmated, Least, White-rumped, Solitary, and Pectoral sandpipers have been banded along with Short-billed Dowitcher, Wilson’s Phalarope, and Lesser Yellowlegs. As well as banding and flagging, some species are receiving Motus nanotags so they can be tracked by a network of towers during their stopover on James Bay and as they head south and then back north in the spring. Wilson’s Phalarope, Short-billed Dowitcher, Pectoral Sandpiper, and Juvenile Lesser Yellowlegs have been fitted with this technology so far. Adult Lesser Yellowlegs are getting satellite tags to better understand their migration routes and overwintering locations in an effort to better understand threats that may be contributing to their declines.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER– First observed on July 19th. High count of 8 on July 27th.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – First observed on the 27th, 2 birds on the 29th.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – High of 38 adults on the 26th.
KILLDEER– High of 6 on the 29th.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – a couple local breeders daily.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – High of 210 adults on July 16th.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – High of 424 on the 20th. First juv on the 19th.
WHIMBREL– High of 43 on July 24th.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – High of 109 adults on July 28th.
MARBLED GODWIT – Only one sighting to date of an adult on July 16th.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – High numbers daily with a high of 431 on July 28th.
RED KNOT – High of 495 adults on July 19th, with 44 individual leg flag combinations read that day.
STILT SANDPIPER – Single adults on multiple dates.
SANDERLING– High of 54 adults on July 22nd.
DUNLIN– High of 16 adults on July 25th.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – single adult seen on July 15th.
LEAST SANDPIPER – High of 105 on July 29th. Juvs now outnumber adults.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – High of 1,052 adults on July 29th.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 183 adults on July 23rd.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 820 adults on July 19th.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – 5 adult herndersonii on July 21st.
WILSON’S SNIPE – Local breeders heard and seen daily.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – Single adults on the 21st and 28th.
Although the focus in camp is of course birds and in particular shorebirds, an effort is taken to record other taxa that are encountered.
Viceroy, White Admiral, Red Admiral, Northern Crescent, Western tailed-blue, Silvery Blue, Dreamy Duskywing, Canadian Tiger Swallowtail, Painted Lady, Hobomok Skipper, Mourning Cloak, Common Ringlet and a Fritillary Sp.
On nights when conditions are good and crew energy levels allow, mothing has taken place as well. Lists of moths encountered will be uploaded to iNaturalist once sorted through.
Lake, Zigzag, Variable and Subarctic Darners, Forcipate and Lake Emerald, Cherry-faced Meadowhawk, Hudsonian Whiteface and Four-spotted Skimmer.
Black Bear, Red Squirrel, Red (cross) Fox, fresh Moose, Wolf, and Otter Tracks as well as jumping mouse and vole sp.
Photo courtesy Amie MacDonald
30 July-13 August 2019
Ross Wood
As of August 13th a total of 141 species of bird have been recorded by the crew at the Longridge field camp. This includes 26 species of shorebird, of which most are observed daily.
Several of the new species detected by the crew this period are much more common further south, but are very rarely detected on the coast of James Bay. Included on this list was a RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD seen foraging on fireweed on July 30th, a BLUE JAY in camp of August 6th and a CONNECTICUT WARBLER on August 5th.
Shorebird numbers and diversity continued to increase throughout the period. Most species had the first juveniles of their species show up during the period, with the exception of White-rumped Sandpipers, our most abundant shorebird for the period. Juveniles of this species typically arrive in very small numbers in early September. Our high count for WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS was 6,242 birds on August 10th. Our first BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER and RED-NECKED PHALAROPE were detected this period.
The pond close to camp continues to surprise with different family groups of waterfowl that presumably bred nearby and an ever-increasing number of young AMERICAN COOTS. On August 1st an adult NORTHERN GOSHAWK was seen flying off with one of these young coots clutched in its talons. On the 13th, there were at least 13 young coots around and the adults seem to have left.
Waterfowl numbers still are quite low, but things started to pick up a bit towards the end of the period. The first 3 SNOW (BLUE) GEESE of the season were seen on August 12th. Large numbers of BLACK SCOTER (mainly moulting adult males) are seen on days when the bay is actually calm and visibility is good. A high count of 2,700 BLACK SCOTERS on August 8th was attributed to calm and clear conditions in the afternoon. Much smaller number of the other two scoters can be seen as well, with 10 SURF and 8 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS seen on August 6th. A high of 23 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS were seen on August 1st, with few seen after this date. Raptor numbers remained low, but were increasing later in the period. Local BALD EAGLES, OSPREY, NORTHERN GOSHAWK and MERLINS were the most common, with the season’s first ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK seen on August 4th. An adult PEREGRINE FALCON was observed cruising over the mudflats, causing quite a disturbance amongst the shorebirds on August 13th.
Breeding birds in the marshes were still quite vocal at the beginning of the period, but had quieted right down by the end. For example, species such as NELSON’S and LE CONTE’S SPARROWS that were heard commonly at the beginning of the period, were silent towards the end. The last detection of YELLOW RAIL was on the night of August 6th when two were still ticking away. Gull numbers really picked up by the end August 11th, when BONAPARTE’S GULLS numbers totalled 1,320 loafing birds. Most of these were adults with about 10% being fresh juveniles. The Bonaparte’s Gulls were picked through daily in hopes of other small gulls lurking amongst them and on August 2nd and 10th different adult LITTLE GULLS were found. A single ARCTIC TERN on August 6th was photographed as it flew in and checked out a survey crew.
LONG-EARED OWLS were detected regularly around camp, but never more than one at a time. A BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was seen on August 10th south of camp. All expected flycatchers were seen during the period, including higher than average numbers of OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHERS, with a high of five seen on August 12th. An EASTERN KINGBIRD made a brief appearance on August 5th. The NORTHERN SHRIKE family continued to harass local birds, including shorebirds. On one occasion, they were observed trying to catch young Killdeer unsuccessfully as the adults chased them off.
Numbers of both WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS and COMMON REDPOLLS were detected moving over daily, while PINE SISKIN, AMERICAN GOLDFINCH and RED CROSSBILL were seen only on a couple of occasions each. A PINE GROSBEAK made an appearance in camp on August 13th, but flew off in a hurry when an adult NORTHERN GOSHAWK buzzed through camp.
Along with the surveying, there is banding taking place. All shorebirds caught are measured, banded, and leg flagged in hopes they will be re-sighted by birders further south along their migration routes. To date SEMIPALMATED, LEAST, WHITE-RUMPED, SOLITARY, and PECTORAL SANDPIPERS have been banded along with SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER, WILSON’S PHALAROPE, GREATER and LESSER YELLOWLEGS, WILSON’S SNIPE, SEMIPALMATED PLOVER and HUDSONIAN GODWIT. As well as banding and flagging, some species are receiving Motus nanotags so they can be tracked by a network of towers during their stopover on James Bay and as they head south and then back north in the spring. WILSON’S PHALAROPE, SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER, PECTORAL SANDPIPER, SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, HUDSONIAN GODWIT and juvenile LESSER YELLOWLEGS have been fitted with this technology so far.
Finally, we had a Research Associate with the National Museum of Natural History, Bruce Beehler, join us for this period. He is in the process of writing a book on Hudsonian Godwits, which he plans to publish in 2020 (James Bay is a part of the story). In the meantime, check out his blog documenting his adventures following godwits around.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – High of 98 adults on August 10th.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – High of 3 adults on August 10th. This includes a banded individual returning to the same sight one year and six days after being banded in 2018!
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – High of 175 and the first juv. on August 9th.
KILLDEER – High of 25 on August 3rd.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – High of 19 on August 11th.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – High of 10 on August 5th.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – High of 190 on August 6th. Still a mix of adult and young birds.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – High of 265 on August 3rd. At least 95% juvenile by the end of the period.
WHIMBREL – High of 49 on August 3rd.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – High of 256 adults on August 3rd. The first juvenile arrived on August 9th. This juvenile was banded and tagged with a Motus nanotag that very same day. This will allow us to determine exact length of stay on James Bay and migration routes as it heads south. An adult we leg flagged last year returned to the exact same spot almost exactly one year to the date of being flagged. This bird was re-sighted several times and will help us understand the stopover length of adults.
MARBLED GODWIT – None for the period. Although this species breeds on the coast of James Bay and close by to our other camps, they are typically only seen occasionally passing by the Longridge camp.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – High of 500 on August 7th.
RED KNOT – High of 147 on August 8th. First juv. on August 4th.
STILT SANDPIPER – High of 3 on August 8th.
SANDERLING – High of 49 on August 7th, with the first juvenile on Aug 9th.
DUNLIN – High of 16 adults on August 4th.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – 1 adult seen on August 7th.
LEAST SANDPIPER – High of 69 on August 6th. Mainly young birds by the end of the period but a bit surprisingly there were still a number of adults around right until the end of the period.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – High of 6,242 adults on August 10th.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER – 1 adult observed on August 2nd.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – High of 96 adults on August 8th.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – The first wave of adults appears to have all but missed us. An average daily count of about 200 birds eventually began to grow by the end of the period, with a high of 1,572 on August 10th. First juvenile on August 4th and by the end of the period juveniles made up as much as 25% of the birds.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – High of 3 on August 8th.
WILSON’S SNIPE – High count of 60 on August 12th.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – High of 15 on August 11th. This species was much more regular than most years.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – High of 5 on August 8th.
Viceroy, White Admiral, Common Ringlet, Western-tailed Blue, Northern Crescent, Painted Lady, Canadian Tiger Swallowtail, Atlantis Fritillary.
Lake, Zigzag, Sub-Arctic and Variable Darner, Cherry-faced and Black Meadowhawk and Four-spotted Skimmer.
Photo courtesy Tyler Hoar
14 to 27 August 2019
Doug McRae
In general, lower shorebird numbers than past years. The area really cleared out on 24 August with very few waders on 25 and 26 August. Unless otherwise noted, counts represent high counts for the period.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 177 on 22 August, no juveniles yet.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – seen most days throughout the period. 9 on 26 August, first juvenile on 25 August.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – 212 on 19 August.
KILLDEER – one or two most days throughout the period. A local brood of 3 are now gone, presumed predated.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – 14 on 17 August.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – a few on a few days during the period.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 163 on 18 August.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – 144 on 16 August.
WHIMBREL – seen most days throughout the period; 25 on 15 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 237 on 16 August. Generally lower counts than previous years.
MARBLED GODWIT – only records for the period are 1 on 15, 22, and, 24 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 185 on 18 August.
RED KNOT – 679 on 17 August. Generally lower counts than previous years.
STILT SANDPIPER – 1 on 19 August was first juvenile. 6 on 24 and 25 August.
SANDERLING – 36 on 17 August, first juvenile on 19 August. Generally lower counts than previous years.
DUNLIN – 32 on 17 August, no juveniles yet. Generally lower counts than previous years.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – only juveniles observed and only records for the period are 2 on 15 August, 1 on 20 August, 5 on 22 August, 2 on 24 August, 7 on 25 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER – 233 on 20 August.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – 3,971 on 19 August. Generally less common than in previous years. No juveniles yet.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 59 on 23 August.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 1,732 on 19 August.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – only records for the period are 1 on 14 August, 1 on 16 August, 2 on 18 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE – 30 on 18 August.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – only juveniles observed. 20 on 16 August, 1 on 17 August, 15 on 18 August, 6 on 19 August, 17 on 20 August, 3 on 22 August, 1 on 24 August, 4 on 25 August.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – only records for the period are 2 on 14 August, 1 on 15 August, 1 on 21 August, 2 on 22 August.
Other bird records
BLUE-WINGED TEAL – seen on several dates throughout the period. 29 on 19 August, 49 on 20 August.
SURF SCOTER – 11 on 18 August.
BLACK SCOTER – 2,840 on 17 August.
BUFFLEHEAD – only records for the period are 1 on 16 August, 3 on 25 August.
RUFFED GROUSE – only record for the period is 1 on 25 August.
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK – 1 on 18 August, 2 on 24 August, 2 on 25 August.
NORTHERN GOSHAWK – big female immature seen most days throughout the period. No adults since early August. Immature male on 21 August.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK – 1 on 19 August, 11 on 24 August, 1 on 25 August.
NORTHERN HARRIER – big increase in numbers during the period, many juveniles. High count of 19 on 24 August.
AMERICAN COOT – up to 14 young seen in the local pond. First flight on 24 August, no adults present.
PARASITIC JAEGER – only record for the period is 1 adult light morph on 26 August.BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1,113 on 15 August.
LITTLE GULL – 1 on 15 August, 2 on 18 August, 2 on 24 August, 2 on 26 August. First juvenile on 15 August.
LONG-EARED OWL – 1 on 15 August, 1 on 16 August.
BOREAL OWL – 1 on 20 August, heard calling just after sunrise by D. McRae.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – only record for the period is 1 on 15 August.
AMERICAN KESTREL – only records for the period are 1 on 18 and 26 August.
MERLIN – 5 on 20 August.
PEREGRINE FALCON – only record for the period is 1 on 23 August.
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER – only records for the period are 1 on 14 and 15 August.
NORTHERN SHRIKE – only records for the period are 2 on 15 August, 1 on 16 August.
GRAY CATBIRD – 1 on 25 August, seen by all personnel at the cabins.
AMERICAN PIPIT – first records for the season; 2 on 25 August, 3 on 26 August.
CANADA WARBLER – only record for the period is 1 on 16 August.
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER – 1 male on 21 August. First observed by Quinten Weigersma, seen by all personnel and photographed. Observed about 1 km south of Paskwachi Point, which is south of the cabins. The bird popped up at the forest edge while pishing at a Red-breasted Nuthatch. This represents the most northerly record of the species in Ontario, and if accepted by the OBRC is the second record for Northern Ontario. The first was observed by Mark Jennings in October in Moosonee in the 1980s.
LE CONTE’S SPARROW – 9 on 20 August.
NELSON’S SPARROW – 8 on 14 August.
CHIPPING SPARROW – 4 on 21 August.
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW – only records for the period are 1 on 14 August, 2 on 22 August, 1 on 26 August.
PURPLE FINCH – only records for the period are 6 on 16 August, 1 on 17 August, 3 on 24 August, 1 on 26 August.
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL – common on first half of the period, much scarcer in the second half. 196 on 17 August.
COMMON REDPOLL – common on first half of the period, much scarcer in the second half. 56 on 17 August.
COMMON GRACKLE – only record for the period is 1 on 26 August.
Photo courtesy Karl Bardon
28 August to 10 September
Christian Friis
Over the period 28 August to 10 September 137 species, plus 2 taxa were observed at Longridge Point field site, including 25 shorebird species. This is the final report for the 2019 field season.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 60, 7 September.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - 318, 2 September.
KILLDEER - 7, 2 September.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 2, 2 September.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS - 401, 30 August.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - 235, 30 August.
WHIMBREL - 192, 30 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 695, 30 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 28, 31 August.
RED KNOT - 14, 7 September.
STILT SANDPIPER - 6, 28 August.
SANDERLING - 60, 2 September.
DUNLIN - 106, 9 September. First juvenile 31 August.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER - 8, 31 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER - 376, 30 August.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER - 225, 5 September.
LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER – 1 individual, 1, 4, and 5 September. While reports of Long-billed Dowitcher in the area are noted, this may represent the first photographic documentation of a Long-billed for the area.
WILSON'S SNIPE - 7, 28 August.
WILSON'S PHALAROPE - 6, 28 August.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 1 individual, 2, 4, and 5 September.
Other bird observations
Waterfowl numbers increased during the period, as migrants built up abundance in the area.
SNOW GOOSE – 105, 28 August.
BRANT – 4, 31 August.
CANADA GOOSE – 3,419, 7 September.
MALLARD – 128, 5 September.
NORTHERN PINTAIL – 282, 8 September.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL – 178, 1 September.
BLACK SCOTER – 1,320, 31 August. Black Scoter concentrate in significant numbers in James Bay, and rafts are occasionally visible from the shoreline, enabling an estimate.
COMMON GOLDENEYE – 394, 31 August.
HOODED MERGANSER – 1, female on 2 September.
AMERICAN COOT – 6 young on 30 August, 4 young on 31 August.
BLACK TERN – 3, 1 September.
PARASITIC JAEGER – 1 on 6 September, 1 dark morph on 9 September.
LONG-EARED OWL – 1 local individual throughout the period.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 1 , 30 August and 4 September.
AMERICAN KESTREL – 1 male on 28 August.
EASTERN KINGBIRD – 1, 29 and 30 August.
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH – 1, 9 September.
GRAY CATBIRD – 1 recurring individual seen regularly throughout the period.
Little Piskwamish Point
The camp is led by Amie MacDonald, a MSc. candidate at Trent University under the direction of Dr. Erica Nol (Trent U) and Dr. Paul Smith (Environment and Climate Change Canada). Amie has been a key member of our crew since 2014 and started her MSc. work in 2017. Amie’s work has estimated the annual survival of Red Knots using James Bay, and explores the links between survival and environmental conditions throughout their range. She also used spring and fall data from more southerly staging sites to determine when in the annual cycle mortality occurs. Understanding the importance of James Bay as a stopover site, particularly for endangered rufa Red Knots on their southward migration, is crucial to developing effective conservation strategies.
12-29 July
Amie MacDonald
A total of 96 bird species were recorded at Piskwamish Camp for the period. This includes 20 species of shorebird, most of which are encountered daily. With the exception of yellowlegs, shorebird counts were on the low side, possibly a sign of a good breeding year. Conditions are wetter than in the previous two seasons at Piskwamish. Despite this, there are surprisingly few Yellow Rails in the marsh.
Shorebirds (max count, date)
KILLDEER– 4 on 14 July
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 262 on 25 July (first juvenile 26 July)
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – 331 on 26 July (first juvenile 20 July)
WHIMBREL– 21 on 17 July
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 238 on 25 July
MARBLED GODWIT – 6 on 21 (juvenile 26 July, probably local), 31 on 24 July
RED KNOT – 691 on 24 July. Red Knot numbers are lower than usual but starting to pick up. Resights of flagged birds banded in US, Canada, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
SANDERLING – 40 on 28 July
DUNLIN – 82 on 28 July
LEAST SANDPIPER – 87 on 16 July (first juvenile 23 July)
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 6,144 on 26 July. Semipalmated Sandpiper numbers have been low over the end of the period with White-rumped Sandpipers surprisingly outnumbered Semipalmated 29 July, but we expect influx of juvenile Semipalmated soon will soon bring up their numbers.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – 5 on 23 and 28 July
WILSON’S SNIPE – 27 on 21 July
Other notable bird sightings
Turkey Vulture
Great Black-backed Gull
Boreal Owl (heard only)
There is a good cone crop this year, which brings in good numbers of White-winged Crossbills.
Common Redpoll is frequently observed over the flats.
Black bear regularly on north ridge.
Photo: Christian Friis
30 July to 13 August 2019
Tyler Hoar
112 species seen for the were recorded at Piskwamish Camp over the period. This includes 24 species of shorebird, most of which are encountered daily.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 102 on August 11th, 54 Aug. 10th and 53 Aug 3rd.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 3 on August 10th, 2 on August 11th.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – 373 on August 10th along with the first juvenile.
MARBLED GODWIT – 9 on August 1st, including 5 juveniles. 6 on August 12th. Two pairs appeared to nest locally, producing a combined 5 juveniles.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 441 on August 6th, 303 on August 10th, 426 on August 9th, and 351 on August 12th. First juveniles on August 10th.
KILLDEER – 2 birds seen several days throughout the period.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – 3 local juveniles seen on August 10th.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – All juveniles. 5 on August 10th and 8 on August 5th.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – Juveniles present at start of session. 263 on August 1st, 223 on August 3rd, 235 on August 6th, and 232 August 9th.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – Juveniles present at start of session. One individual banded at Longridge on August 8th was seen here on August 10th. 397 on August 1st, 302 on August 10th, 214 on August 9th, and 165 on August 3rd.
WHIMBREL – 19 on August 11th, first juveniles seen on August 10th.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 136 on August 3rd.
RED KNOT – Over 1,500 seen on most days. 4,436 on August 6th, 3,021 on August 9th. First juvenile on August 11th. Flagged birds detected from U.S., Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Canada, including one banded by the project in 2015 at Northbluff Point.
SANDERLING – 5 on August 1st, 5 on August 8th.
DUNLIN – 60 on August 2nd, 69 August 6th, 71 August 9th.
LEAST SANDPIPER – Juveniles widespread at the start of the session. 134 on August 1st, 143 on August 9th, and 146 on August 12th.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – The most numerous shorebird throughout the period. 15,891 on August 2nd, 16,102 on August 8th, 18,939 on August 9th, 18,150 on August 10th, and 16,100 on August 11th.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – 1 adult on August 3rd.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – No juveniles yet. 245 on August 1st.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – first juveniles on August 1st, whole flocks of juveniles by August 10th. 1,709 on August 6th, 2,854 on August 9th, and 1,889 on August 10th.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – 7 on August 1st, 9 on August 3rd.
WILSON’S SNIPE – 13 on August 12th, 12 on August 10th, 10 on August 11th, and 9 August 8th.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – All juveniles. 2 on August 3rd. Single birds observed over several days during the period.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 5 birds on August 6th and 10th, with the first juvenile on the 10th.
Other bird observations
PACIFIC LOON – Fly-by on August 10th.
BLACK SCOTER – 1,400 on August 1st, 1,144 on August 10th.
NORTHERN PINTAIL – 239 on August 12th.
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 2 distinct individual dark morphs, one in wing moult and one not. Seen on August 7th, 9th and 12th.
BUTEO SP. - Distant looks at a Swainson’s-like bird, but lost before it could be confirmed.
NORTHERN GOSHAWK – A pair seen as individual birds, either in camp or hunting shorebirds. Seen several times during the period.
BALD EAGLE – High of 6 on August 9th.
OSPREY – High of 6 on Aug 10th. One nest located on snag in tamarack bog behind camp, near the power line.
BONAPARTE’S GULL – 846 August 10th, 432 August 4th, first juveniles on August 6th.
LITTLE GULL – 1 adult on August 10th and 2 adults on August 4th.
BLACK TERN – 1 on August 9th.
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN – Seen several days this period. High counts of 25 on August 4th and 20 on August 2nd.
YELLOW RAIL – Generally quiet, singles on August 5th and 6th.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 1 heard most evenings, calling.
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER – 1 male near winter road.
EASTERN KINGBIRD – Single birds August 1st, 7th, and 10th.
SWALLOWS – Tree, Bank, Barn, and Cliff seen several times during the period.
BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS – 3 on August 11th.
WARBLERS – 7 species seen. Tennessee, Yellow and Common Yellowthroat were the most common.
NELSON’S SPARROW – Still singing daily. 23 on August 3rd, and 24 on August 5th.
LE CONTE’S SPARROW – as many as 10 singing birds in the study area.
BLUE JAY – 1 in camp on August 11th and 12th.
SAVANNAH SPARROW – 417 on August 12th.
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL – 100’s daily, moving though the region. On August 11th many seen in forest behind camp singing on territory. Many juveniles seen in flocks. High count of 822 on August 8th.
RED CROSSBILL – 5 on August 8th. Making up less than 1% of the crossbill observed in flight that day.
COMMON REDPOLL – 30-150 seen daily.
RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD – 100-300 seen daily.
RUSTY BLACKBIRD – Up to 90 seen on Aug. 2nd. Birds observed on territory behind camp in tamarack/spruce bog/willow swamp birch swale Aug 11th.
COMMON GRACKLE – 4 on Aug. 10th, 1 on August 7th.
Photo courtesy Tyler Hoar.
14 to 27 August 2019
Tyler Hoar
123 species were recorded at Little Piskwamish Point over the period. Conditions were drier than in the previous two periods, with several marshes, pools, and streams drying up. The tides were lower than the previous period, with an absence of any significant high tide.
Shorebirds (26 species)
Many species peaked and declined in numbers during this period. For several of the species, the juveniles greatly outnumbered the adults.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 256 on August 15th, first juvenile on the 14th.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 11 on the 16th, 10 on the 19th
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – 270 on the 16th, 167 on the 21st.
KILLDEER – 16 on the 16th, 11 on the 15th.
WHIMBREL – 7 on the 21st, 5 on the 25th. Several juveniles seen
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 1,475 on the 17th, 690 on the 15th, 676 on the 20th. Juveniles were common this period.
MARBLED GODWIT – 5 on the 17th, 3 on the 15th.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 16 on the 21st. First juvenile on the 14th.
RED KNOT – 985 on the 17th, 783 on the 16th, down to 384 by the 22nd. Juveniles were widespread this period. Knots appeared to be staying for a shorter period this year than in 2018, based on flag resightings in 2019.
STILT SANDPIPER – 3 juveniles seen on the 17th, 18th, and 26th.
SANDERLING – 20 on the 21st, 15 on the 18th. Several juveniles were present during this period.
DUNLIN – 1,189 on the 23rd, no juveniles observed yet.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – 13 on the 25th, 9 on the 20th. First Juvenile on Aug 14th.
LEAST SANDPIPER – 150 on the 18th, 127 on the 22nd.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – As expected the most numerous shorebird throughout the period. With 27,482 on the 17th, 22,668 on the 19th, dropping to only 5,504 by the 25th. No juveniles seen.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER – Only Juveniles observed with the first one on the 18th, building to a high of 6 on the 25th and 26th.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 87 on the 18th, with the first juvenile observed on the 14th.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 2,064 on the 25th, 2,042 on the 17th, and 1,984 on the 22nd.
WILSON’S SNIPE – In addition to our local birds some small flocks (less than 20 birds) were observed migrating southward this period.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE Phalarope – 3 on the 18th.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 5 on the 17th and 20th. Smaller numbers seen most days.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – 1-2 juveniles observed most days during this period.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – 1-2 juveniles were observed most days during the first half of this period, then becoming mostly absent in the second half of the period.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 270 on the 25th, 210 on the 26th and 235 on the 22nd.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – 192 on the 15th and 22nd, dropped to only 15 individuals by the 26th. Three individuals banded at Longridge Point with white flags were observed north of camp during this period.
Waterfowl (19 species)
SNOW GOOSE – The first one showed up August 20. The high count for this period was 118 on the 25th.
NORTHERN PINTAIL – This species exceeded 1,000 birds by the 22th, with a high counts of 1,527 on the 25th and 1,606 on the 26th.
BLACK SCOTER – 317 on the 24th.
Birds of Prey (raptors and owls) 13 species
NORTHERN GOSHAWK – regularly seen hunting in camp and out on the mudflat edge. Both adults and juvenile birds were seen, with a high count of 3 on August 24th.
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 2 dark morph individuals continued to be seen regularly, with both seen on the 22nd.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK – 1 juvenile on the 24th.
PEREGRINE FALCON – late arriving this year with a maximum of 2 birds seen daily over the last part of the period.
MERLIN – Several individuals seen daily with a high of 6 on the 21st.
NORTHERN HAWK-OWL – 1 on August 25th.
Gulls and Terns (7 species)
LITTLE GULL – 4 on the 16th, 3 on the 15th and 17th, and singles on the 21st and 22nd. All were adults.
BONAPARTE’S GULL – high of 450 on the 15th, including several recently fledged juveniles.
ARCTIC TERN – This species was rare this period with 3 seen on the 24th.
With the area having a heavy bumper crop of cones, and good birch seed and fruit crop, finches were common and widespread.
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL – 827 on the 16th, of which 671 were observed passing over camp in a southward direction over a one-hour period. White-winged Crossbill were the most abundant passerine during this session. By the second half of the period, many birds appeared to be well on their way into their second nesting of the year in the boreal forest behind camp.
COMMON REDPOLL – 82 on the 16th. 10-40 were observed daily moving through camp or in stands of Swamp Birch.
RED CROSSBILL – 2 on the 26th and singles on the 18th and 21st.
PINE GROSBEAK – 1 on 18th.
PINE SISKIN – 1 on the 18th.
PURPLE FINCH – 6 on the 14th.
Other bird species
YELLOW RAIL – 1 on August 17th.
SANDHILL CRANE – Several daily with a high of 49 on the 24th.
GREAT BLUE HERON – 10 on August 21st.
BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 on the 25th.
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER – One male in camp on the 15th.
NORTHERN SHRIKE – 2 immatures on the 21st.
BLUE JAY – 1 on the 17th, 21st, and 24th. Slowly moving northward.
SWALLOWS – Much more common this year than in 2018, with Tree, Bank, Cliff and Barn being observed.
EUROPEAN STARLING – 42 on the 21st. This species was much rarer locally in 2019 than in 2018.
AMERICAN PIPIT – First bird showed up on the 24th and small numbers seen daily after that.
DARK-EYED JUNCO – First migrant on the 25th.
NELSON’S SPARROW – 9 on the 20th.
LE CONTE’S SPARROW – 3 on the 20th.
WARBLERS – 10 species, with Yellow-rumped, Palm, Tennessee, and Yellow the most common.
1 Beluga Whale, Striped Skunk, Red Squirrel, Meadow Vole, Jumping Mouse sp.
Black Bear family regular seen north of camp.
Tracks of Wolves, Red Fox, Black Bears, Moose, Otters, Mink, and Caribou observed on the mudflats.
Viceroy, White Admiral, Common Ringlet, Blue sp., Northern Crescent, Painted Lady, Mustard White, Western White, Cabbage White, Mourning Cloak, Pelidne Sulphur, Orange Sulphur, Bronze Copper, Comma sp.
Lake, Zigzag, Sub-Arctic and Variable Darner, Cherry-faced and Black Meadowhawk.
Three and Nine Spine Sticklebacks, Pearl Dace, Lake Whitefish, Cisco, Brook Trout and Pacific Sand Lance.
Also small number of Moon and Cyaneid Jellyfish.
Photo courtesy Amie MacDonald
28 August to 10 september
Gray Carlin
During the period of August 28 to September 10, 127 species of bird, plus 9 taxa were detected in the Piskwamish census area. This includes 25 species of shorebird. Below, species is followed by the high count and date. This is the final report for the 2019 season.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 137, August 30.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - 254, August 31 (nearly all hatch-year birds now).
KILLDEER - 12, September 2.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 1 juvenile. August 30.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS - 177, September 8.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - 33, August 30.
WHIMBREL - 6, August 29.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 490, August 30.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 3, August 31.
RED KNOT - 354, August 30.
STILT SANDPIPER - 3 juvenile, August 28.
SANDERLING - 359, September 8. All juveniles.
DUNLIN - 1725, September 8.
LEAST SANDPIPER - 37, August 29.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER - 2385, August 29. 4 juveniles showed up on September 3.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER - 10 juveniles, September 1 and September 3.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER -9, August 29 and September 3.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER - 113, September 6.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 1 juvenile, September 9.
WILSON'S SNIPE - 8, September 6.
WILSON'S PHALAROPE - 1 juvenile, August 28.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE - 3 juveniles, September 7 and September 9.
August 30th was a good day with many high flying migrants of BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, HUDSONIAN GODWIT, AND PECTORAL SANDPIPERS observed leaving the coast and migrating.
Other bird observations
Along with the shorebirds, waterfowl numbers were building up as they move south as well.
SNOW GOOSE – 38, September 9.
CANADA GOOSE – 3,600, September 7.
BRANT – 6, September 1.
NORTHERN PINTAIL – 2,241, September 8.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL – 211, September 9.
Other notable species
BLACK TERN - 2, August 29 and September 1.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 1, September 1.
PARASITIC JAEGER - 5 adults, September 3. and 1, September 4.
ALCID Sp. - 2 spotted flying away on September 6.
While good numbers of finches were being observed daily, numbers dropped this session. A high count of 135 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS were seen on August 28 along with a hand-full of redpolls on multiple occasions.
Black bear, red squirrel, striped skunk, red fox, wolf, beluga, jumping mouse, meadow vole and shrew sp.
Black-faced and cherry-faced meadowhawks, darner sp., subarctic darner, zigzag darner,
Fritillary sp., Mustard sp., Bronze Copper, sulphur sp., Vanessa sp., red admiral, mourning cloak,
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog, garter snake.
Photo courtesy Ron Ridout
Aerial Survey 2018
Christian Friis and Guy Morrison
Aerial survey crew. (l-r): Ken Ross, Guy Morrison, Rob Burns. Photo courtesy Rob Burns.
Between 10 and 12 August 2018, Guy Morrison (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Emeritus Research Scientist) and Ken Ross (retired ECCC Canadian Wildlife Service biologist), along with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) pilot Rob Burns, conducted an aerial survey of the James Bay coast from the Quebec border in the east to Ekwan Point to the northwest, including Akimiski Island. The objective of the survey was to count shorebird species within smaller sectors generally delineated by tributaries or other landforms, allowing comparison with results from previous aerial surveys of the region. Small shorebird species (e.g., Least, Semipalmated, and White-rumped sandpipers) are generally not easily identified from the air, despite flying at low levels. These are grouped into “peeps”. Medium and large shorebird species (e.g., Black-bellied Plover, Red Knot, and Hudsonian Godwit) are generally identifiable from the air; Greater and Lesser yellowlegs are generally counted as yellowlegs species. Surveys are conducted by helicopter at high tide, when birds are concentrated into roost locations. At low tide, birds are spread out across kilometres of exposed sand and mud flats that are characteristic of the James Bay coast. The low profile of the coast generates vast expanses of exposed flats at low tide, making it virtually impossible to get a reliable count at this point in the tidal cycle. In addition to counting shorebirds, we had a VHF receiver hooked up to an antenna at the nose of the helicopter logging locations of nanotagged birds detected along the coast. Personnel stationed at the three field camps located at Northbluff Point, Little Piskwamish Point, and Longridge Point carried out a coordinated ground count. Ground counts can be used to estimate species composition of the aerial counts.
The crew met in Timmins on 10 August 2018, flew to Moosonee in the OMNRF helicopter, and began the survey based on the predicted high tide in the early afternoon. Beginning at the Moose River, the crew flew northwards along the coastline towards Ekwan Point. Between Northbluff and Piskwamish, they recorded over 5,000 Red Knot, among a total of some 12,500 individual shorebirds. The next significant concentration of shorebirds was recorded at Chickney Channel, which is north of the Albany River. The crew recorded over 90,000 shorebirds including 11,500 Hudsonian Godwits and over 78,000 peeps! The survey concluded for the day at Ekwan Point and the crew spent the night at the White Wolf Lodge in Attawapiskat.
The next day, the crew surveyed Akimiski Island in the morning. On the northwest side of the island, over 8,000 Red Knot were recorded! This is a new location for knots based on previous aerial work dating back to the 1970s. In this section of Akimiski, nearly 60,000 individual shorebirds were recorded, including close to 49,000 peeps. The southwestern section of the island had over 29,000 individuals, including over 1,600 Marbled Godwit. Akimiski harboured 98% of the Marbled Godwits recorded on the survey.
From Akimiski, the crew flew south to complete the survey from the Moose River east to the Quebec border. The greatest concentration of birds was in the Hannah Bay Migratory Bird Sanctuary, where over 26,000 individual shorebirds were recorded, including over 1,000 Hudsonian Godwits.
Snow Geese in flight near Chickney Channel.
Shorebirds in flight. Photo courtesy Karl Bardon.
Over 240,000 individual shorebirds were recorded during the survey, easily doubling the totals from 2016 (about 110,000) and 2017 (about 105,600). The 2018 count for small shorebirds totaled over 206,000, which is significantly higher than the 2017 (92,500) and 2016 (77,000) counts. The count for medium shorebirds (over 19,000) was higher in 2018 than in 2017. The count for large shorebirds (over 18,000) was higher in 2018 than in either 2016 or 2017. In 2017, 7,200 medium and 5,900 large shorebirds were counted, while in 2016, 20,400 medium and 11,800 large shorebirds were counted. The Red Knot count of over 13,000 was the highest of the 3 surveys in 2016, 2017 and 2018, although the birds were distributed differently, with a moderate (though still significant) number in the southern part of the bay from approximately Longridge to Northbluff (about 5,000 compared to a maximum of 10,000 in 2016) and a new and very significant concentration of some 8,000 on the northwest coast of Akimiski Island.
Reasons for the significantly higher number of birds in 2018 are currently unclear but are likely connected to the widely reported very poor breeding conditions in the Arctic in 2018 ( Late snow melt resulting in high snow cover early in the season may have significantly delayed breeding attempts for many species, with a subsequent delay in the southward migration. For instance. initial reports from Yves Aubry’s (ECCC biologist) studies on the Mingan Island Archipelago on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River suggest that migration of Red Knots was around 10-14 days later than normal. If similar considerations apply to other shorebird species, the large numbers observed in James Bay in 2018 may reflect a later migration, since by the August survey dates in 2018 (consistent over the three years) many birds would have already passed through the area in a more “normal” (previous) year. Alternatively, perhaps the birds were in poorer condition after the difficult summer in the Arctic and needed to stay longer in James Bay to build up stores for migration. Interestingly, in previous years where aerial surveys have been conducted in James Bay (1976 to 2009), the only year with a total autumn count over 200,000 individuals (292,000) was in 2001, which was noted as a seasonably late and relatively poor breeding year in the Arctic (see Further analysis of ground counts from James Bay in 2018 should indicate whether the difficult/delayed breeding conditions in the Arctic in 2018 resulted in poor breeding success for many species.
Season Summaries 2018
The James Bay shorebird project crew has been in the field since 13 July when we opened three remote camps, Longridge Point, Little Piskwamish Point, and Northbluff Point. Crews communicate via inReach SE units (two-way messaging devices) or satellite phone.
In addition to the shorebird and related habitat and resource work, we have collaborated with biologists across North America, lead by a team from Alaska, to understand Lesser Yellowlegs ecology. Understanding the causes for declines in Lesser Yellowlegs is challenging because nothing is known about their over-wintering locations, important stopover sites, and whether birds are genetically distinct among breeding populations. Furthermore, there are no published survival rates for Lesser Yellowlegs, making it difficult to conduct an informed population viability analysis. In this study, we will contribute to addressing each of these knowledge gaps using a combination of tracking devices, genetic analysis, and mark-recapture survival estimation. This is the first study to document genetic variation in Lesser Yellowlegs, and the first to document the migration of this species using GPS tracking devices. This research will help us understand whether unregulated hunting on the wintering grounds is indeed a threat to birds, and will help conservation efforts. This study is a collaborative effort with strong support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, The University of Alaska Anchorage, the Smithsonian Institute, the Atlantic Shorebird Working Group, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Trent University, and The University of Alberta.
Our banding crew has been in operation at Longridge Point since 13 July. We plan to affix Lotek pin-point tags to Lesser Yellowlegs, as part of the project described above. In addition, banding and flagging of shorebirds will continue throughout the season in our on-going effort to understand movement patterns of shorebirds staging in James Bay.
View from Piskwachi Point with Longridge in the distance. Photo: C. Friis
Longridge Point
Doug McRae is leading Longridge in 2018. Doug is a steadfast participant on the project. He has significant contributions to wildlife studies on the James Bay coast from his time with the Moosonee office of the Ministry of Natural Resources, now the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Among his contributions is work that culminated in the publication Wilson, N.C. and D. McRae. 1993. Seasonal and geographic distribution of birds for selected sites in Ontario’s Hudson Bay Lowland. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 145pp. The following reports are from Doug.
13-30 July
Shorebirds (high count, date)
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER 2, 30 July. 1 banded on 29 July.
KILLDEER 13, 21, Adult with 2 small chicks on 30 July.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER 2, 25 July. First juvenile on 25 July.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS 133, 30 July. First juvenile on 30 July.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS 338, 17 July. First juvenile on 23 July.
WHIMBREL 166, 16 July.
RED KNOT 1536, 30 July.
SANDERLING 381, 28 July.
DUNLIN 16, 22 July.
LEAST SANDPIPER 58, 21 July. First juvenile on 20 July.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER 2,776, 29 July. First juvenile on 29 July.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER 2, 29 July. 1 on 21, 27, & 28 July – all adults, only sightings for the period.
WILSON’S SNIPE 8, 17 July. Nest with 4 eggs on 15 July.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE 1 adult female, 23 & 29 July the only sightings for the period.
Other bird observations
RING-NECKED DUCK 1, 14 July. 1 male on the Bay on 14 July.
GADWALL 8, 16 July.
REDHEAD 4, 25 July. 1 on 17 & 30 July. 4 on 25 July.
HOODED MERGANSER 4, 21 July. 1 on 18 July. 4 on 21 July.
BLACK SCOTER 1262, 28 July.
PEREGRINE FALCON 1 adult 15 & 19 July; one sub-adult on 23 & 26 July.
SNOWY OWL 1, 19 & 23 July, likely same individual.
small owl species (Boreal/saw-whet) 1 at dawn, 21 July.
BONAPARTE’S GULL 920, 28 July. 98% adult.
LITTLE GULL 2 adults on 28 July only sighting.
NORTHERN SHRIKE 1, 14 July. 1 immature at camp 14, 20, 21, 28 & 30 July.
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO 1, 14 July. At camp seen and singing 14-26 July.
CHIPPING SPARROW 1 singing male at camp 14-21 July.
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW One pair on ridge - fledged young on 22 July.
RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH 27, 28 July - big uptick from other days.
COMMON GRACKLE, 1, 19 July only sighting for the period.
Hudsonian Godwits in flight. Photo courtesy of Karl Bardon.
31 July - 12 august
Shorebirds (high count, date)
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 154 on 11 August.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 7 on 10 August. One banded on 29 July, observed in the area until 10 August.
KILLDEER – 16 on 12 August. First juveniles on 12 August. Two grown chicks observed on 4 August.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – 173 on 3 August. First juvenile on 3 August.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 91 on 4 August.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – 212 on 3 August.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – 3 on six dates between 3 & 12 August.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – 5 on 6 & 12 August.
WHIMBREL – 18 on 2 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 636 on 12 August. First juvenile on 9 August.
MARBLED GODWIT – 3 on 1 August; 1 on 2 August; 4 on 3 August; 5 on 9 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 956 on 12 August.
RED KNOT – 411 on 2 August. First juvenile on 11 August.
SANDERLING – 340 on 12 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER – 86 on 6 August.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – 4,608 on 12 August.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – 1 adult on 6 August.
DUNLIN – 35 on 11 August.
STILT SANDPIPER – 2 adult on 6 August.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 303 on 3 August. First juvenile on 10 August.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER – 1 adult on 2 August.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – 1 adult on 3 & 4 August. First juvenile on 6 August. 1 juvenile on 7, 9, & 10 August. 2 juveniles on 11 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE – 35 on 11 August. First juvenile on 10 August.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – 6 juveniles on 7 August. First juvenile on 7 August.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 1 adult on 3 August.
Other bird observations
GADWALL – 1 on 11 August.
BLUE-WINGED TEAL – 11 on 10 August, including 1 female with 8 young in the pond near camp.
NORTHERN SHOVELER – 1 female with 6 young in the pond near camp on 7 August.
WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 13 on 6 August. This species is very scarce this year.
BLACK SCOTER – 945 on 7 August.
HOODED MERGANSER – 1 on 1 August. 3 on 5 August.
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN – 5 on 12 August. The first sighting since late July.
GREAT BLUE HERON – 2 on 11 August.
BALD EAGLE – 3 on 10 August.
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 light morph on 11 August.
YELLOW RAIL – 4 on 4 August. 1 banded on 4 August. Calling begins to reduce as of 10 August.
LITTLE GULL – 3 on 4 August. 1 on 7, 9, 10, & 11 August consisting of 2 different adults, 2 second-year and 1 juvenile. 4 on 12 August, consisting of 1 adult, 1 second-year, and 2 juveniles.
RING-BILLED GULL – first juvenile on 10 August.
HERRING GULL – first juvenile on 10 August.
BLACK TERN – 1 immature on 12 August.
COMMON TERN – 64 ON 9 August.
ARCTIC TERN – 2 adult, 1 juvenile on 3 August. 1 adult on 12 August.
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO – 1 on 11 August. The first sighting since late July.
GREAT-HORNED OWL – 1 on 2 August.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 1 on 9 August.
PEREGRINE FALCON – 1 sub-adult on 1 August. Between 3 & 12 August, 1 adult and 1 sub-adult seen regularly.
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER – 1 on 4, 8 & 9 August.
NORTHERN SHRIKE – 1 on 3 August.
BANK SWALLOW – 4 on 6 & 8 August.
RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH – 19 on 7 August. A brief movement was noted over several days around this date.
BOHEMIAN WAXWING – 2 on 3 August. 1 on 10 August.
CHIPPING SPARROW – 1 adult on 1 to 3 August.
FOX SPARROW – 1 adult on 4 & 9 August.
DARK-EYED JUNCO – 1 on 8 & 11 August.
RUSTY BLACKBIRD – 1 on 3 & 10 August.
PURPLE FINCH – 1 on 4 &5 August.
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL – 6 on 4 August. Observations on 3-5, 7, & 9 August.
COMMON REDPOLL – 1 on 2, 3, 8, & 10 August.
PINE SISKIN – 36 on 4 August. Observations on 2-6, 8, & 10 August.
BELUGA – 2 adult and 1 juvenile on 3 August. 1 on 4 & 9 August. 7 on 12 August.
Flooded banding site at Longridge Point. Photo courtesy of Michel Vorasane
13 to 27 august
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 193 on 23 August.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 4 on 14 A August. The banded individual was seen up to 14 August. First juvenile on 24 August.
SEMIPLAMATED PLOVER – 167 on 18 August.
KILLDEER – 17 on 17 August.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER – all sightings for the period: 2 on 18 August. 1 on 23 & 24 August.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – all sightings for the period: 1 on 13, 14, 18, 19, & 21 August.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 103 on 20 August.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS – 124 on 20 August.
WHIMBREL – 59 on 13 August. First juvenile on 18 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 251 on 24 August.
MARBLED GODWIT – all sightings for the period: 5 on 16 August, 2 on 18 August, 8 on 19 August, and 1 on 23 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 248 on 17 August.
RED KNOT – 1,013 on 24 August.
STILT SANDPIPER – 1 juvenile on 26 August.
SANDERLING – 131 on 23 August. First juvenile on 17 August.
DUNLIN – 87 on 18 August. First juvenile on 21 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER – 151 on 18 August.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – all sightings for the period: 1 juvenile on 14 August. 5 on 16 August. 2 on 17 August. 2 adult & 2 juvenile on 19 August. 6 on 20 August. 4 on 22 & 23 August. 3 on 25 August. 8 juveniles on 26 August.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – 8,654 on 23 August.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER – 1 adult on 14 & 16 August. First juvenile on 26 August.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 24 on 19 August.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 2,953 on 23 August.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER – all sightings for the period: 1 juvenile on 16 August. 1 on 19 & 20 August. 2 juvenile on 24 August. 1 on 26 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE – 40 on 13 August.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE – 2 on 16 August. 3 on 19 August. 1 on 21 August.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 1 on 18 August. 3 on 19 August. 1 on 21 August. 4 on 23 August. 7 on 24 August. 1 on 25 August.
Other notable bird observations
SNOW GOOSE – 27 on 20 August.
REDHEAD – 1 on 20 August.
LONG-TAILED DUCK – 1 on 19 August.
SURF SCOTER – 11 on 18 August.
BLACK SCOTER – 1,650 on 19 August.
HORNED GREBE – 2 on 25 August.
AMERICAN BITTERN – 6 on 25 August.
GREAT BLUE HERON – 10 on 19 August.
NORTHERN HARRIER – 13 on 22 August.
BALD EAGLE – 3 on 18 August.
SANDHILL CRANE – 2 growing young continue to 22 August.
PARASITIC JAEGER – 1 adult light morph & 1 sub-adult dark morph on 23 August. 1 adult light morph on 24 August. 4 dark morph / immature on 25 August. 2 adult light morph & 1 juvenile on 26 August.
SABINE’S GULL – 1 juvenile on 25 August. 1 adult wing found on 21 August.
LITTLE GULL – 1 second-year on 18 August. 1 adult on 20 August. 1 second-year & 1 adult on 22 August. 1 second-year and 1 juvenile on 25 August. 2 adult & 2 juvenile on 26 August.
CASPIAN TERN – 18 on 26 August.
BLACK TERN – 1 juvenile on 25 August.
COMMON TERN – 70 on 25 August.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 2 on 15 August.
MERLIN – 4 on 18, 19, & 23 August.
PEREGRINE FALCON – 1-2 most days, no juveniles yet.
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER – 1 on 15 August. 1 on 19 August.
TREE SWALLOW – 3 on 16 August. 1 on 19 August.
BARN SWALLOW – 2 on 19 August.
CLIFF SWALLOW – 1 on 19 August.
HERMIT THRUSH – 1 juvenile on 15 August.
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW – 1 on 15 August. 4 on 16 August. 1 on 21 August.
FOX SPARROW – 1 hatch-year on 18 August.
Mixed flock. Photo courtesy of Karl Bardon.
28 August to 10 September
KILLDEER - 8 on 29 Aug
WHIMBREL - 2 on 29 Aug
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 305 on 28 Aug
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 131 on 29 Aug
RED KNOT - 85 on 7 Sep
SANDERLING - 163 on 7 Sep
DUNLIN - 195 on 6 Sep
LEAST SANDPIPER - 121 on 7 Sep
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER - 3523 on 2 Sep, 1st juvenile 5 Sep
WILSON’S SNIPE - 13 on 4 Sep
Other notable bird observations
BRANT - first observed 2 Sep
PARASITIC JAEGER - 1 on 31 Aug, 1 Sep
Beluga, Wolf, Black bear
Little Piskwamish Point
The camp is led by Amie MacDonald, a MSc. candidate in her final year of field work at Trent University under the direction of Dr. Erica Nol (Trent U) and Dr. Paul Smith (Environment and Climate Change Canada). Amie has been a key member of our crew for many years and we are very pleased with preliminary results from the 2017 season and analyses over the winter. Amie’s project proposes to estimate the annual survival of Red Knots using James Bay, and explore the links between survival and environmental conditions throughout their range. She will also use spring and fall data from more southerly staging sites to determine when in the annual cycle mortality occurs. Understanding the importance of James Bay as a stopover site, particularly for endangered rufa Red Knots on their southward migration, is crucial to developing effective conservation strategies. The following reports are from Amie (max count, date).
13-30 July
Shorebirds (high count, date)
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER 116, 29 July, one flag resight (originally banded in Churchill, MB).
KILLDEER 6, 14 July.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER 1, 18 and 30 July (at least one a local juvenile).
LESSER YELLOWLEGS 249, 15 July. First juvenile, 24 July. Barely any juveniles from then to the 30th.
WHIMBREL 29, 20 July.
RUDDY TURNSTONE 17, 24 & 27 July.
RED KNOT 2,981, 28 July. 280 resights (this includes resights of same flag on multiple days- not number of unique flags). Flags from US, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Canada resighted.
SANDERLING 212, 27 July. One flag resight.
DUNLIN 511, 30 July.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER 14,867, 28 July, first juvenile, 24 July. One flag resight.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER 7, 17 July. 1 juvenile, 29 July.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE 1 juvenile, 30 July.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER 1, 25 & 26 July.
Other notable observations
5 belugas, wolf hunting Canada Geese, black bears, 2 BLACK GUILLEMOT, 1 BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO.
Mixed flock at Little Piskwamish. Photo courtesy of Karl Bardon.
31 July - 12 August
Shorebirds (high count, date)
KILLDEER 1 on various days
WHIMBREL 5 on 6 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT 390 on 10 August.
MARBLED GODWIT 8 on 11 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE 15 on 2 August.
RED KNOT 3,593 on 10 August. 527 REKN resights during this period, including birds originally banded in the USA, Chile, Argentina, and Canada. Of special note is the resighting of an orange flagged Red Knot, B53. This bird was banded in November 2001 as an immature male in Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina by Patricia Gonzalez’s team! This bird is 18 years old and has flown over 500,000 km — a distance equal to the moon and part way back!
STILT SANDPIPER 1 on 10 August.
DUNLIN 864 on 12 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER 24 on 11 August.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER 1 on 11 & 12 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE 5 on 3, 4, 10 August.
WILSON’S PHALAROPE 2 on 6, 12 August.
Wolf sightings throughout the period. A cow and calf moose.
Feeding Red Knots at Piskwamish. Photo courtesy of Kejia Zhang.
13 to 27 August
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 67 on 21 August.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER – 284 and first juvenile on 15 August.
KILLDEER – 1 on various days throughout the period.
SOSANDPIPER 1 on various days throughout the period
GREATER YELLOWLEGS – 286 on 21 August.
LESSER YELLOW LEGS – 121 on 14 August.
WHIMBREL – 12 on 21 August.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT – 574 on 24 August. First juvenile on 17 August.
MARBLED GODWIT – 12 on 19 August.
RUDDY TURNSTONE – 43 on 25 August. First juvenile on 22 August.
RED KNOT – 3,226 on 20 August. First juvenile 14 August. During the period, there were 663 resights of birds from USA, Canada, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. Juvenile proportions were less than 5% early in the period, building to more than 50% by the end of the period. The average proportion of juveniles for the period was 33%.
SANDERLING – 297 on 25 August. First juvenile 19 August.
DUNLIN – 1,550 on 24 August.
LEAST SANDPIPER – 211 on 16 August.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER – 40,787 on 20 August, building from 37,464 on 23 August & 30,711 on 24 August.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER – 2 juvenile on 25 August.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER – 99 on 14 August.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 3,817 on 14 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE – 14 on 17 August.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE – 4 on 23 August.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER – 3 on 25 August.
Other notable bird observations
PARASITIC JAEGER – on 24 & 25 August.
BLACK GUILLEMOT – on 14 & 21 August.
Otter, black bear
Surveying Piskwamish. Photo courtesy of Karl Bardon
28 August to 10 September
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 94 on 28 Aug, 1st juvenile 3 Sep
KILLDEER - 5 on 30 Aug, 3 Sep, 4 Sep
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 1 on 31 Aug, 4 Sep
SOLITARY SANDPIPER - 1 on 27 Aug, 1 Sep
WHIMBREL - 3 on 30 Aug, 31 Aug, 3 Sep
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 1324 on 28 Aug
MARBLED GODWIT - 4 on 31 Aug
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 103 on 7 Sep
RED KNOT - 1689 on 28 Aug (1% adult for this session)
STILT SANDPIPER - 1 on 30 Aug, 1, 2, and 3 Sep
SANDERLING - 218 on 30 Aug
DUNLIN - 5107 on 7 Sep, 1st juvenile 3 Sep
LEAST SANDPIPER - 205 on 4 Sep
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER - 31008 on 2 Sep (going down to <1000 in the last few days of the session), 1st juvenile 7 Sep
BUFF BREASTED SANDPIPER - 15 on 4 Sep (all juveniles)
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 9 on 28 Aug, 30 Aug
WILSON’S SNIPE - 12 on 6 Sep
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER - 8 on 30 Aug, 4 Sep
Other notable bird observations
NORTHER PARULA - 1 on 27 Aug
BLACK GUILLEMOT - 1 on 29 Aug, 3 Sep, 8 Sep
PARASITIC JAEGER - 1 on 31 Aug, 3 Sep
PINE GROSBEAK - 1 on 31 Aug, 1 Sep
GREY CATBIRD - 1 on 3 Sep
BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD - 1 juvenile on 4 Sep
BRANT - first observed 4 Sep
ROSS’ GOOSE - 1 on 8 Sep
Beluga, Black bear, Mink
White Admiral, Hoary Comma, Cabbage White, Monarch, Mourning Cloak, Common Braided Skipper
Little Piskwamish Point, flooded flats. Photo: C. Friis
Northbluff Point south gravel bar. Photo: C. Friis
Northbluff Point
Gray Carlin leads this camp. Gray joined us as a volunteer in 2017 originally for two weeks and decided to stay for the rest! We are happy that Gray has returned in a lead role with us for the 2018 season. The summary from 13-30 July is from Tyler Hoar, who joins us for his inaugural stint in 2018. The other reports are from Gray.
13-30 July
Shorebirds (high count, date)
Black-bellied Plover 40, 30 July
Lesser Yellowlegs 503, 19 July.
Hudsonian Godwit 643, 30 July.
Marbled Godwit 24, 29 July; first 3 juveniles, 30 July. Confirmed breeding (T. Hoar).
Red Knot 423, 29 July.
RUFF 1 female (Reeve), 22 July
Sanderling 156, 23 July.
White-rumped Sandpiper 1,428, 30 July.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 10, 30 July.
Semipalmated Sandpiper 10,009, 26 July.
Wilson's Phalarope 1 adult 29 July, 1 juvenile 28 July.
Red-necked Phalarope 5, 14 July.
Other bird observations (high count, date)
YELLOW RAIL and SORA heard most days. Took little effort to find one when someone tried.
LITTLE GULL 2 adults, 20 July.
SNOWY OWL 1, 14 July.
2 single sightings of 1 COMMON REDPOLL (possibly the same individual).
river otter 3, timber wolf 3, black bear 1 cross red fox 1 beluga 8
Shorebirds in flight. Photo courtesy of Karl Bardon.
31 July - 12 August
During this period, 97 species of bird were detected in the camp census area. This includes 22 species of shorebird.
Shorebirds (high count, date)
KILLDEER - Single juvenile bird on August 10 and 12.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 2 juvenile, August 4.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER - Single bird on August 3.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - 194, August 4.
WHIMBREL - 12, August 2.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 710, August 11.
MARBLED GODWIT - 14 - confirmed 2 pairs of local breeders with 3 young each, August 8.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 90, August 7.
RED KNOT - 437, August 1.
STILT SANDPIPER - 1 juvenile, August 7.
SANDERLING - 102, August 3.
DUNLIN - 144, August 4.
LEAST SANDPIPER - 70, August 11.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 3 birds (fly-by’s) on August 1 and 11.
WILSON'S SNIPE - regularly seeing between 7 and 9 birds on multiple dates, August 8. Three birds still attempting to nest as of August 4.
WILSON'S PHALAROPE - 4 juveniles, August 11.
Other bird observations
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN - single bird on August 2 and August 9.
LITTLE GULL - 2 birds- 1 adult, 1 juvenile, August 12.
ARCTIC TERN - two adult birds seen on August 12.
NORTHERN GOSHAWK- single bird seen on August 8.
COMMON REDPOLL - 1, August 4.
Wolf, Red Squirrel, River Otter, Jumping Mouse, Vole sp.
zig zag darner, subarctic darner, meadowhawk sp, bluet sp.
white admiral, Atlantis fritillary, clouded sulphur, mourning cloak.
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog.
Pectoral Sandpipers in flight. Photo courtesy of Karl Barden.
13 to 27 August
During the period, 111 species of bird were detected in the camps census area. This includes 25 species of shorebird. Below, species is followed by the high count and date.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 103, August 24 -still nearly all molting adults with two juveniles.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER - 5, August 26- two juvenile and 3 adults.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - 88, August 14- first juveniles showing up.
KILLDEER - Single birds on August 21.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 1 juvenile. August 16.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS - 221, August 21.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - 73, August 16.
WHIMBREL - 25, August 24.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 819, August 14.
MARBLED GODWIT - 12, August 21- all juveniles.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 68, August 14.
RED KNOT - 1000, August 22 - large flock with approximately 100 juveniles.
STILT SANDPIPER - 5 juveniles, August 18.
SANDERLING - 100, August 14- first juveniles appearing.
DUNLIN - 387, August 24.
LEAST SANDPIPER - 182, August 15.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER - 3 juveniles, August 24.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER - single adult on August 16.
SHORT-billed DOWITCHER - 6, August 18.
WILSON'S SNIPE - 5, August 15.
WILSON'S PHALAROPE - 1 on August 14 and 2 on August16- all juveniles.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE - 1 or 2 birds seen on multiple dates.
Other notable bird observations
Along with the shorebirds, waterfowl numbers are slowly starting to build up as they move south as well.
SNOW GOOSE - first flock of 23 seen on August 18, high count of 130 on the 22nd.
CANADA GOOSE - 341, August 19.
NORTHERN PINTAIL - 263, August 25.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL - 139, August 20.
Raptors showed their first real signs of movement on the 18th.
NORTHERN HARRIER - 13, August 22.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK - 1 juvenile, August 18.
RED-TAILED HAWK - 1, August 18.
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, 1- August 15 and August 27.
LITTLE GULL - 1, August 25-26.
CASPIAN TERN - 3, August 25.
ARCTIC TERN - one or two on several dates.
BOREAL OWL- one calling in camp August 27.
Finch numbers are particularly low with one flock of 32 PINE SISKIN, on August 21.
Red squirrel, striped skunk, river otter, beluga.
white admiral, Atlantis fritillary, clouded sulphur, mourning cloak, cabbage white, mustard yellow, white-lined sphinx moth
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog, spring peeper
Lesser Yellowlegs. Photo courtesy of Gray Carlin
28 August to 10 September
During the period , 115 species of bird were detected in the camps census area. This includes 25 species of shorebird. Below, species is followed by the high count and date.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 170, September 2.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - 86, September 7. (nearly all hatch-year birds now).
KILLDEER - Single bird on August 28.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - 1 juvenile on August 29 and Sept 7.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER - 2 juveniles on August 3.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS - 375, September 6.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - 18, September 2.
WHIMBREL - 5, August 28.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 370, September 3.
MARBLED GODWIT - 5, September 6.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - 99, September 2.
RED KNOT - 702, September 1. Mostly juveniles - 148 birds in this flock were adults.
SANDERLING - 114, September 8. Mostly juveniles.
DUNLIN - 3277, September 9.
LEAST SANDPIPER - 256, September 7.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER - Flocks of 2-5 seen regularly. High count of 20 (including 1 flock of 14 juveniles) observed on September 7.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER - 2 juveniles, September 10.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER - 113, August 29.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 14 juveniles, September 2.
WILSON'S SNIPE - 1 or 2 seen on multiple dates.
WILSON'S PHALAROPE - 1, September 7.
Along with the shorebirds, waterfowl numbers are starting to build up as they move south as well.
SNOW GOOSE - 398, September 7.
CANADA GOOSE - 940, September 8.
BRANT - 1, August 31 and September 1.
NORTHERN PINTAIL - 1094, September 8.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL - 220, September 2.
Other notable bird observations
CASPIAN TERN - 1 or 2 on multiple dates.
BOREAL OWL - 1, August 28.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK - 1 or 2 on multiple dates.
PARASITIC JAEGER - 1 -3 birds seen regularly since the beginning of September.
COMMON REDPOLL - 3, September 4. Small flocks of all the finches showing up regularly.
BELTED KINGFISHER - 1 bird visiting camp on multiple dates.
BOREAL CHICKADEE - 1 flock of 29 birds observed in camp on September 9.
BOHEMIAN WAXWING - 1 bird in camp on multiple dates.
Fresh black bear tracks, fresh wolf tracks (almost daily), snowshoe hare, perimysis mouse, jumping mouse, red squirrel, striped skunk, cross fox and kit
white admiral, Atlantis fritillary, clouded sulphur, mourning cloak.
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog, spring peeper
Season Summaries 2017
The James Bay shorebird project is in full swing and crews have been in the field since 15 July when we opened two remote camps, Longridge Point and Little Piskwamish Point. Northbluff Point field camp opened on the 30th. Crews communicate via inReach SE units (two-way messaging devices) or satellite phone.
In addition to the shorebird and related habitat and resource work, for the first period we were joined by Jay Wright of the International Rusty Blackbird Working Group ( Luke Powell of the Group is spearheading the work and he made contact with us in the winter to make arrangements. The Group seeks to collect genetic samples from Rusty Blackbirds from across the species range, then sequence DNA for a “genoscape” analysis of population structure and migratory connectivity. They hope to get 25 birds sampled from James Bay. As a result, Longridge Point includes a number of interesting observations by Jay and his assistant, one rotating member of the shorebird crew, while venturing inland.
Motus: The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus, Latin for ‘movement’) is an international collaborative research network that uses a coordinated automated radio telemetry array to track the movement and behaviour of small flying organisms. Motus tracks animals (birds, bats, and large insects) affixed with digitally-encoded radio transmitters “nano-tags” that broadcast signals several times each minute. These signals are detected by automated radio telemetry stations that scan for signals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When results from many stations are combined, the array can track animals across a diversity of landscapes covering thousands of kilometers. The James Bay shorebird project has seven towers set-up on the southwestern coast of James Bay. In addition, towers have been set-up on the Quebec side. Check out for locations of towers across the network.
Banding crews have been in operation at Longridge Point since 15 July, and began on the 31st at Northbluff Point. We plan to affix over 280 tags to a variety of shorebird species this summer, including Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, Hudsonian Godwit, Red Knot, and Semipalmated, Least, White-rumped, and Pectoral sandpipers.
Invertebrate Sampling: Each field camp has an invertebrate technician who samples at four different sites each day, collecting three 5x10cm (98.18ml) benthic core samples from a shorebird foraging site and a near-by non-foraging site (control) site per field camp (two forage, two control). Replicate cores are taken approximately 1m apart from each other. All samples are conducted within two hours of low tide. The goal is spatial coverage across the flats at different sections of coast at each field camp to better understand resource availability for staging shorebirds using James Bay in the fall.
Flats at Longridge. Photo: C. Friis
Longridge Point
The camp was led by Allie Anderson, a PhD. candidate at Trent University also under the direction of Dr. Erica Nol (Trent University) and Dr. Paul Smith (Environment and Climate Change Canada). She moved to open and run Northbluff Point on 30 July. This is Allie’s third field season on James Bay, and we are lucky to have her! Allie’s research focuses on shorebird diet, habitat use, flexibility in migration timing of staging shorebirds, and migratory routes taken. Longridge Point is run by Daniel Froehlich for the remainder of the season. Dan returns to us for his second season with the project. The reports up to 29 August are from Mark Dorriesfield, who is one of Amie’s MacDonald's technicians primarily focused on her objectives (see Piskwamish for details). Mark is a former volunteer with the project and this is his second season with us. The final report, 29 August to 13 September is from Allie Anderson.
15-30 July
Black-bellied Plover: small numbers throughout the period, all adults, high of 15 on 25th. First on 18th.
American Golden-Plover: couples on 3 dates, adults, first on 21st.
Semipalmated Plover: adults high of 115 on 29th.
Killdeer: high of 8 on 23rd.
Solitary Sandpiper: none on coast, but 10 inland on 19th.
Greater Yellowlegs: high of 102 on 29th.
Spotted Sandpiper: singles on 2 days.
Lesser Yellowlegs: high of 217 on 28th.
Whimbrel: numerous early in period, high of 60 on 18th.
Hudsonian Godwit: adults, high of 94 on the 28th.
Ruddy Turnstone: adults, 245 on 28th. On the 29th the crew resighted one bird originally banded at Longridge Point in 2016.
Marbled Godwit: juvenile on 29th.
Red Knot: adults, highs of 800 on 27th and 1400 on 28th.
Stilt Sandpiper: adult on 21st.
Sanderling: adults, high of 139 on 21st.
Dunlin: adults, high of 55 on 28th.
Least Sandpiper: mostly juveniles by end of the period, high of 58 on 29th.
White-rumped Sandpiper: adults, very few until 21st, high of 1400 on 29th.
Semipalmated Sandpiper: mostly adult, some juveniles showing up second half of the period. High of 1146 on 29th.
Note: 3600+ combined White-rumped and Semipalmated sandpipers on 28th, when a large flock of peeps flew to roost at the tip of Longridge Point with about 1400 Red Knot. Big backlit flocks that passed us in less than a minute, a pain!
Pectoral Sandpiper: adults with a few juveniles, high of 334 on 28th.
Wilson’s Phalarope: 1 adult and 1 juvenile both on 22nd.
Short-billed Dowitcher: around in small numbers, some adult at beginning and more juveniles toward end of the period, high of 8 on 16th. Juvenile captured on 24th.
Other interesting birds
American White Pelican flyover flocks on 4 dates, high of 37 on 23rd. Ammodramus sparrows up to 6 Le Conte’s Sparrow and 10 Nelson’s Sparrow. Clay-colored Sparrow 3 throughout the period. Arctic Tern 2 on 25th and 1 on 26th. A 1st summer Great Black-backed Gull present throughout the period. The surrounding marshes are dry but a few Yellow Rail are present, high of 7 on 28th (some inland).
Sadly, a dead beluga and unborn calf were found on 18th. They had probably been there for a few weeks prior to the arrival of the crew. Two live belugas close to shore on 19th. Only one Black Bear, a young one on 21st. Two River Otters and 1 Beaver on 27th. One Muskrat on 28th. A few wolf and fox tracks but no sightings, yet.
Zig-zag, Sedge, Lake, Canada, and Variable darners.
Eastern Garter Snake (1), and American Toads (Hudson Bay sub-species) are numerous.
Rusty Blackbird work
Jay Wright caught 29 Rusty Blackbirds between the 25th and 29th. Jay and his assistants had some cool stuff: Greater and Lesser yellowlegs, and Solitary Sandpiper still on territory inland. Northern Shrike on 25th, Virginia Rail on 28th, 3 Wood Duck at 2 locations throughout the period, and a possible Great Grey Owl on 18th. The sample Jay was able to acquire is much better than expected! We look forward to learning more about the results of the International Rusty Blackbird Group’s work on this front.
31 July – 14 August
Black-bellied Plover: adults, arrived in numbers on 8 August, highs of 112 on 12 and 13 August.
American Golden-Plover: a few adults through session, highs of 3 on 6 and 7 August.
Semipalmated Plover: high of 133 in 12 August, first juvenile on 4 August, juveniles increasing later in session.
Killdeer: a few around, high of 5 on 2 August.
Solitary Sandpiper: 2 juveniles hanging around the wrack at the base of the point throughout the session.
Greater Yellowlegs: high of 291 on 12 August (including migrating groups), still mostly adult by the end of the session but juveniles increasing.
Lesser Yellowlegs: high of 314 on 5 August, higher proportion of juveniles than Greater Yellowlegs but still more adults.
Whimbrel: high of 40 on 5 August.
Hudsonian Godwit: high of 304 on 12 August, first juvenile on 2 August.
Marbled Godwit: a few throughout session, high of 4 on 3 August.
Ruddy Turnstone: high of 279 on 8 August, first juvenile on 7 August.
Red Knot: high of 279 on 4 August, first juvenile on 3 August, numbers really dropped off after 8 August.
Stilt Sandpiper: one juvenile on 12 August.
Sanderling: adults, high of 146 on 13 August.
Dunlin: high of 209 on 11 August, first juvenile on 11 August.
Least Sandpiper: high of 245 on 11 August, occasional adults seen during the first half of the session, but almost all juveniles.
White-rumped Sandpiper: adults, highs of 7892 on 8 August and 6500 on 9 August.
Baird’s Sandpiper: 1 adult and 1 juvenile on 2 August, single juveniles on 8 and 10 August.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper: singles on 8, 9 and 11 August, one aged as adult.
Semipalmated Sandpiper: high of 5299 on 12 August, large flocks on flats still mostly adult and smaller groups inshore mostly juvenile.
Short-billed Dowitcher: juveniles, high of 13 on 12 August.
Wilson’s Snipe: got quiet early in the session so harder to detect, high of 4 on 10 August.
Wilson’s Phalarope: juveniles, high of 6 on 9 August.
Red-necked Phalarope: juveniles, high of 8 on 10 August
Other birds
American White Pelican: flyover flocks during the first half of the session, high of 82 on 6 August.
Black Scoter: a flock of over 1000 throughout the session. Black Scoter stage in huge rafts on James Bay in the fall.
Northern Goshawk: one over camp on 4 August. A juvenile was mobbed by Common Terns over the bay on 8 August.
Little Gull: juvenile on 8 August, one second-year individual and one adult on 10 August.
Arctic Tern: singles on 10 and 11 August.
Black Guillemot: possible juvenile on 8 August.
Great Horned Owl: first heard in camp on 7 August, then occasionally after.
Other fauna
Dead Beluga: now clearly showing head of unborn calf, likely died during birthing.
Harbor Seal: 1 on 31 July.
American Marten: chased young Snowshoe Hare in camp then showed well on evening of 30 July, seen briefly later in session.
Snowshoe Hare: a couple seen in camp during the first half of the session.
Striped Skunk: first seen in camp on 2 August, seen occasionally after.
Black Bear: mother and 2 cubs seen on 3 August, 2 different individuals seen closer to camp on 9 and 13 August.
Caribou: old tracks found back in West Bay (bay immediately to the west of Longridge Point).
Bronze Coppers: a few seen throughout session.
Anne Blondin is the invertebrate technician at Longridge Point. Here is her summary:
Samples collected from 18 forage sites and 18 control sites. 317 dead ecrobia; 107 live ecrobia; 17 dead unknown Gastropoda; 43 adult macoma; 298 juv macoma; 72 naididae; 3 chironomid; 35 polychaetes; 9 unknown depteran larvae; 1 adult coleoptera, 1 sipunculid; 1 arachnid; 2 amphipods; 4 ceratopogonids.
14 – 29 august
Things have gotten really quiet here the last few days. It appears most birds left 31 August. There were consistent north winds up to this night.
Black-bellied Plover - almost all adult, high of 95 on 23rd, first juvenile on 16th.
American Golden-Plover - mix of adult and juvenile highs of 7 on 24th and 25th, first juvenile 24th
Semipalmated Plover - most juvenile, high 138 on 25th.
Killdeer - high of 7 on 18th.
Solitary Sandpiper - single birds sporadically throughout.
Greater Yellowlegs - high of 94 on 21st.
Lesser Yellowlegs - high of 110 on 21st.
Whimbrel - most juveniles, single digits, high of 6 on 16th.
Hudsonian Godwit - high 163 on 20th, few juvenile.
Marbled Godwit - highs 2 on 16th and 25th.
Ruddy Turnstone - most juvenile, high 142 on 23rd.
Red Knot - very few, most juveniles. Most days 0 or single digits, high of 30 on 26th.
Stilt Sandpiper - 3 juveniles around from 16th-20th, high of 5 on 17th.
Sanderling - juveniles increasing to dominant by session end. High of 117 of 23rd.
Dunlin - high 302 on 26th.
Baird’s Sandpiper - 1 on 18th, 3 juvenile on 19th.
Least Sandpiper - juveniles high 84 on 17th.
White-rumped Sandpiper - adults, 2172 on 17th.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - singles 15th, 25th, and 27th, 2 on 28th.
Pectoral Sandpiper - most juveniles, high 320 on 25th. Leucistic bird seen 24th and 27th.
Semipalmated Sandpiper - almost all juvenile, high 1625 on 25th.
Short-billed Dowitcher - juveniles, high 10 on 20th.
Wilson’s Snipe - high 6 on 26th.
Red-necked Phalarope - juveniles 5 on 17th.
Other birds
Mallard X American Black Duck Hybrid - 1 on 17th.
Long-tailed Duck - adult female seen 19th and 23rd.
Black Scoter - large flock still around, high of 1100 on 16th.
Parasitic Jaeger - subadult light morph on 17th and 19th.
Little Gull - seen on 5 dates, high of 3 on 18th.
Thayer’s Gull - one 2nd cycle found ill on 25th, found dead next morning.
Arctic Tern - 1 on 19th.
Common Nighthawk - singles 19th and 28th.
Other wildlife
Shrew sp. - a few live and dead ones found.
Striped Skunk - in camp 15th, 19th, and 28th.
American Marten - 1 in camp 24th.
Ermine 1 - in camp 28th.
Beluga - seen on five days, high of 4 on 28th. Dead Beluga - very high tides on the 23rd moved the carcass off the point to the beach on the mainland 4.6km away.
Anne Blondin is the invertebrate technician at Longridge Point. Here is her summary:
Amphipoda 2; chironomid 19; dead ecrobia 187; live ecrobia 66; dead unknown Gastropoda 15; live unknown Gastropoda 3; dolichopopidae 4; juvenile macoma 286, Adult macoma 28; naididae 3; oligochaetes 3906; polychaete 41; sipunculid 1; mites 3; ephydridae 2; unknown Diptera 6; Scathopogidae larvae 5; Scathopogidae pupae 42; Scathopogidae adult 10. Oligochaetes were all in one wrack site!
August 30th was a peak day for shorebird counts for many species.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER- high 64, 6 September.
AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER- high 30, 30 August.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER-high 255, 30 August.
KILLDEER- single birds, high 3 on several days.
SPOTTED SANDPIPER- 1 only (first in two weeks), 30 August.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS- high 70, 3 September.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS- high 92, 30 August.
WHIMBREL- high 13, 30 August otherwise single birds throughout.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT- high 762, 6 September.
MARBLED GODWIT- only 1 observed, 1 September.
RUDDY TURNSTONE- high 180, 6 September.
RED KNOT- high 100, 6 September.
SANDERLING-high 305, 31 August.
DUNL-high 542, 9 September.
BAIRD’S SANDPIPER- only 1 (first observed in two weeks), 3 September.
LEAST SANDPIPER- high 91, 30 August. Numbers down to single digits after that day.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER- high 689, 30 August.
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER- high 3, 10 September.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER- high 437, 30 August.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER- high 3, 30 August 30. None observed after 31 August.
WILSON’S SNIPE- high 12, 5 September.
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE- single birds observed 8 and 9 September.
Other birds
Large numbers of waterfowl continued to migrate over during the period.
SNOWGOOSE- high 540, on 30 August.
CANADA GOOSE- high 3,018, 30 August.
CACKLING GOOSE- single birds (first and only of the season), 7 and September.
Small numbers of Mallards, American Black Ducks, Blue-Winged Teal, and American Widgeon throughout.
NOTHERN PINTAIL- high 599, 9 September.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL- high 417, 10 September.
BLACK SCOTER- high 820, 1 September.
COMMON GOLDENEYE- high 92, 9 September.
HORNED GREBE- 1 (first and only of the season), 1 September.
Small Raptor flight, 2 September: 14 NORTHERN HARRIER, 2 SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, 2 BROAD-WINGED HAWK, 2 RED-TAILED HAWK. Few or single birds most other days.
SANDHILL CRANE-high 64, 6 September.
BONAPARTE’S GULL- high 433, 1 September.
BLACK TERN- 2 on 30 August, and 1 on 3 September.
MOURNING DOVE- single individual (first of season) observed, 5-7 September.
SHORT-EARED OWL- single individual (first of season) observed, 12 September.
NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL- 2 heard, 7 September.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK- single individuals observed, 1 and 3 September.
PEREGRINE FALCON- increased this session with birds seen almost every day (high 3 on 6 September).
HORNED LARK- large numbers increasing to 550 on 8 September.
AMERICAN PIPIT- increasing to high 102, 7 September.
*YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD- 1 observed at camp, 6 September.
LONG-TAILED DUCK- 1 observed of east side of Longridge 1 September.
*NORTHERN PARULA-1 observed 10 September.
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH- 6 observed, 12 September.
Little Piskwamish Point
The camp is led by Amie MacDonald, a MSc. candidate at Trent University under the direction of Dr. Erica Nol (Trent U) and Dr. Paul Smith (Environment and Climate Change Canada). Amie has been a key member of our crew for many years and we are very excited that she will continue to work with us in a research capacity. Amie’s project proposes to estimate the annual survival of Red Knots using James Bay, and explore the links between survival and environmental conditions throughout their range. She will also use spring and fall data from more southerly staging sites to determine when in the annual cycle mortality occurs. Understanding the importance of James Bay as a stopover site, particularly for endangered rufa Red Knots on their southward migration, is crucial to developing effective conservation strategies. The following reports are from Amie.
15-30 July
Hudsonian Godwit average 80, maximum count 254 (20 July)
Red Knot average 446, maximum 1375 (23 July).
Dunlin average 116, maximum 434 (23 July)
White-rumped Sandpiper average 1195, maximum 4803 (29 July)
Semipalmated Sandpiper average 3010, maximum 8019 (27 July)
Other shorebirds encountered in the period include Black-bellied Plover, Least Sandpiper, Marbled Godwit, Semipalmated Plover, Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone, Spotted Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Solitary Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, and Wilson’s Snipe.
Spoiler alert: Juveniles have arrived! First Red Knot juveniles observed 3 August; first juvenile Semipalmated Plover and Ruddy Turnstone on 4 August. The crew observed a high proportion of juvenile Red Knot on 5 August, which could indicate a good breeding year. Interestingly, all camps observed their first juvenile Red Knot on 3 August.
31 July – 14 August 2017
Conditions are cold and dry on the coast. New shorebird species observed during this session: Wilson’s Phalarope, Red-necked Phalarope, Short-billed Dowitcher, Stilt Sandpiper, and American Golden-Plover. First juveniles of Red Knot, Hudsonian Godwit, Marbled Godwit, Greater Yellowlegs, Short-billed Dowitcher, Red-necked Phalarope, Wilson’s Phalarope, Stilt Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Plover. Juveniles of Lesser Yellowlegs and Semipalmated Sandpiper continue.
Most numerous species: White-rumped Sandpiper, >9000 on 6 August.
Red Knot: high count of about 3000 on 10 August. Highest number of flags read in a day: 88 on 3 August. Flag colours (countries) observed: green (USA), orange (Argentina), red (Chile), white (Canada), blue (Brazil). Finally, a high proportion juvenile Red Knot have been observed – over 50% juvenile in a few flocks, maybe a sign of a good breeding year?
Other notable birds: juvenile Northern Saw-whet Owl in camp, Red Crossbill.
Michelle McKay is the invertebrate technician at Piskwamish; here is her summary:
168 cores taken, foraging species - sample site combinations are 11 White-rumped Sandpiper, 10 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 3 Red Knot, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 2 Hudsonian Godwit. Totals of invertebrates collected within these cores: 3 ceratopogonidae, 98 chironomid, 2 Coleoptera, 1266 ecrobia, 46 Gastropods, 403 macoma, 3 mussels, 6 naididae, 16 syrphidae, & 102 unknown.
14 – 29 August
First Buff-breasted Sandpiper, first juvenile Black-bellied Plover, a shift to majority juvenile Red Knot compared with majority adult in crew 2, and resights of green, blue, orange, and white flags from the US, Brazil, Argentina, and Canada, respectively. Also resighted two Hudsonian Godwit flags - red (Chile) and green (US).
On August 23 (highest high tide) we had 7700 White-rumped Sandpiper and 818 Red Knot. Red Knot numbers have definitely gone down from crew 2. Very high tides Aug 23-25, flocks of >3000 White-rumped Sandpiper and Dunlin (combined). First sightings of other birds include Snow Goose, Peregrine Falcon, Cedar Waxwing, and American Pipit.
Other exciting sightings include grey wolf, beluga, and the northern lights.
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - high count of 43 on 6 September.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER - high count of 26 on 6 September.
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - high count 137 on 31 August.
KILLDEER - high count 7 on 4 September.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER - observations of 1 on multiple days.
GREATER YELLOWLEGS - high count of 105 on 31 August.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS - high count 16 on 6 September.
WHIMBREL - 1 on 10 September.
HUDSONIAN GODWIT - high count 382 on 6 September (migrating out - didn't see them after this).
MARBLED GODWIT - 1 on 30 August, 2 on 1 September.
RUDDY TURNSTONE - high count 37 on 31 August.
RED KNOT - high count 560 on 3 September (98% juvenile this session).
SANDERLING - high count 191 on 7 September.
DUNLIN - high count 4959 on 6 September.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER - 1 on 2 September.
LEAST SANDPIPER - high count 13 on 3 September.
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER - first juvenile 31 August, high count 4332 on 30 August (numbers declined after this and Dunlin became most abundant shorebird).
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER - 1 on 30 August and 1 on 3 September.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER - high count 161 on 1 September.
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER - high count 1233 on 4 September.
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER - 1 on 30 August, 2 on 31 August, 1 on 12 September.
WILSON'S SNIPE - high count 5 on 6 September.
Other bird observations
SNOW GOOSE - high count 464 on 30 August.
BRANT - first observed 3 September, high count 80 on 6 September.
CACKLING GOOSE - first observed 31 August, high count 16 on 8 September.
CANADA GOOSE - high count 4266 on 6 September.
NORTHERN PINTAIL - high count 8108 on 8 September.
MALLARD x AMERICAN BLACK DUCK hybrid - 1 observed on 7 September, 8 September.
PARASITIC JAEGER - 1 on 7 September.
BLACK TERN - 10 on 30 August.
NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL - high count 5 on 11 September.
BELTED KINGFISHER - 1 on 2 September.
HORNED LARK - first observed 31 August, high count 518 on 10 September.
LAPLAND LONGSPUR - first observed 6 September, high count of 20 same day.
Other wildlife observations
MAMMALS: Harbour seal, ringed seal, meadow jumping mouse, red squirrel.
REPTILES and AMPHIBIANS: Eastern garter snake, American toad, spring peeper, boreal chorus frog, wood frog.
BUTTERFLIES: Mourning cloak, painted lady, white admiral.
Flats of Piskwamish. Photo: C. Friis
Mixed flock at Northbluff made up of Hudsonian Godwit, Semipalmated, White-rumped and Pectoral sandpipers, and Ruddy Turnstone. Photo: C. Friis.
Northbluff Point
The camp is led by Allie Anderson, a PhD. candidate at Trent University also under the direction of Dr. Erica Nol (Trent U) and Dr. Paul Smith (Environment and Climate Change Canada). This is Allie’s third field season on James Bay, and we are lucky to have her! Allie’s research focusses on shorebird diet, habitat use, flexibility in migration timing of staging shorebirds, and migratory routes taken. The 31 July to 14 August report is from Allie. The remaining reports are from Ross Wood, one of our most dedicated and reliable crew members. Ross has participated in the project since 2011.
31 July - 14 August
Session two had two large bursts of shorebirds. On August 2nd, 377 Hudsonian Godwit, 5539 White-rumped Sandpiper, 2124 Semipalmated Sandpiper and the first juvenile Red Knot were observed. On 8 August, we had the busiest day with 6,767 White-rumped Sandpiper, 4,545 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 523 Ruddy Turnstone, and 368 Hudsonian Godwit. We also had 611 Red Knot (mostly adult) which is 500 more than our typical daily count.
Other observations: a headless dead seal only present for two days and eventually washed out during a high tide, and two wolf pups with one adult wolf.
Banding highlights: 61 shorebirds banded on 11 August, including a juvenile Red-neck Phalarope and deploying nanotags on 15 Semipalmated Plover.
Other interesting things: we continue to measure shorebird wings to address change in size and shape. We are interested to see if refueling rates and shorebird scat samples show similar results as last year and to see how much overlap in diet there are among species.
Allie is also the invertebrate technician at Northbluff, here is her summary: seeing similar species abundances though not sure many of the dipterans were accessible as the near high areas [inland intertidal zone] were dry from drought. Ecrobia truncata (mud snails) continue to present in high numbers (100s per 5x10 cm core). With habitat distribution surveys we have begun to notice adult Semipalmated Sandpipers out near the low tide line, similar to what Dr. Guy Morrison noticed when working at this site in the 1970s and 1980s. It may coincide with adults shifting to feeding on macoma balthica spat. Wracks have not been as productive this year.
14-29 August
During the period, 116 species of bird were detected in the camps census area. This includes 25 species of shorebird. Below, species is followed by the high count and date.
Black-bellied Plover - 69, August 23 (still nearly all molting adults).
American Golden-Plover - 3, August 20.
Semipalmated Plover - 137, August 23 (nearly all hatch-year birds now).
Killdeer - Single birds on multiple dates.
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 juvenile. August 20.
Greater Yellowlegs - 162, August 26.
Lesser Yellowlegs - 62, August 26.
Whimbrel - 25, August 22.
Hudsonian Godwit - 315, August 22.
Marbled Godwit - 9, August 22.
Ruddy Turnstone - 81, August 22.
Red Knot - 151, August 22.
Stilt Sandpiper - 1 juvenile, August 25.
Sanderling - 186, August 22.
Dunlin - 438, August 22.
Least Sandpiper - 85, August 15.
White-rumped Sandpiper - 10,502, August 22. First juvenile on August 28.
Baird's Sandpiper - 11 juveniles, August 21.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - singles on several days.
Pectoral Sandpiper - 136, August 25.
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 4001, August 25.
Short-billed Dowitcher - 8 juveniles, August 22 .
Wilson's Snipe - 2 seen on several dates.
Wilson's Phalarope - 1 seen on several dates.
Red-necked Phalarope - 6 juveniles, August 17.
Other birds
Along with the shorebirds, waterfowl numbers are starting to build up as they move south as well.
Snow Goose - first 5 were seen on August 18, high count of 370 on the 24th.
Canada Goose - 1850, August 24.
Brant - 2, August 24.
Northern Pintail - 720, August 28.
Green-winged Teal - 140, August 24.
Raptors showed their first real signs of movement on the 25th.
Northern Harrier - 9, August 25.
Northern Goshawk - singles young birds on several dates.
Broad-winged Hawk - 1 juvenile, August 24-25.
Red-tailed Hawk - 1, August 25.
Other notable species
Black Guillemot - 1, August 23.
Little Gull - 1, August 23-24.
Caspian Tern - 2, August 23.
Arctic Tern - one or two on several days.
Black Tern - 1, August 27.
Northern Saw-whet Owl - 1, August 23.
Common Nighthawk - 5, August 21.
Parasitic Jaeger - 1 adult 23-25 August and 1 juvenile August 26.
Mute Swan - 1 adult, first seen flying south along the coast and later seen flying north. August 19.
Red Crossbill - 2, August 22 (only ones for the period).
Common Redpoll - 2, August 26 (only ones for the period). Finch numbers are particularly low.
Black bear, red squirrel, striped skunk, red fox and shrew sp.
variable darner, lake darner, zig zag darner, subarctic darner, cherry-faced and black meadowhawks, northern spreadwing, forcipate emerald and common whitetail.
white admiral, Atlantis fritillary, painted lady, clouded sulphur, common branded skipper, hoary comma, mourning cloak.
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog.
During the period, 121 species of bird were detected in the camp’s census area, which includes 22 species of shorebird. Species followed by the high count and date below.
Black-bellied Plover - 65, 7 September.
American Golden-Plover - 18, 4 September.
Semipalmated Plover - 59 all hatch year birds, 30 August.
Killdeer - 1, 30 August.
Greater Yellowlegs - 173, 2 September.
Lesser Yellowlegs - 23, 2 September.
Whimbrel - 1, 30 August.
Hudsonian Godwit - 594, 30 August. *Never over 100 after this date.
Marbled Godwit - 3, on several dates in the period.
Ruddy Turnstone - 53, 4 September.
Red Knot - 313, 6 September. Only 3 adults observed on this date. Very few Red Knot observed on most other days.
Stilt Sandpiper - 2 juveniles, 4 September.
Sanderling - 268, 8 September.
Dunlin - 5000+ from 7 September onwards.
Least Sandpiper - 25, 5 September.
White-rumped Sandpiper - Numbers dropped off sharply this period with a high count of 964 on 8 September.
Baird's Sandpiper - 2, several dates this period.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - 2, 11 September.
Pectoral Sandpiper - 315, 7 September.
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1986, 8 September.
Wilson's Snipe - 12, 11 September.
Red-necked Phalarope - 1, 5 September.
Other birds and highlights
Goose numbers continued to increase throughout the period.
Snow Goose - 803, 9 September.
Canada Goose - 4236, 10 September.
Brant - 4, 8 September.
Cackling Goose - 1 seen on 2 dates.
Tundra Swan - First two seen on 10 September.
*SWAINSON'S HAWK - A light morph juvenile was seen moving south on 9 September.
Long-tailed Jaeger - 3 birds were seen together chasing Bonaparte's Gulls on 1 September.
Parasitic Jaeger - At least 1 bird adult bird seen regularly chasing terns.
Little Gull - 2, 4 September.
Mourning Dove - 1, 31 August, and 2 and 4 September.
Short-eared Owl – 1, 10 September.
Boreal Owl - Heard regularly around camp with 3 (one seen) on 8 September.
Northern Saw-whet Owl - At least 2 birds heard and seen regularly around camp.
At this time of year the shorebirds are joined on the mudflats by Horned Larks in good numbers with a high count of 620 on 20 September. Mixed in with the larks and shorebirds were smaller numbers of American Pipits and Lapland Longspurs. On the morning of 12 September good movements of Swainson's and Gray-cheeked Thrushes were noted coming in off of James Bay at first light, some even landing on the flats with the shorebirds before continuing inland.
Black bear, gray wolf, snowshoe hare, woodland caribou (tracks through camp), red squirrel, striped skunk, red fox and shrew sp.
variable darner, lake darner, zig zag darner, subarctic darner, cherry-faced and black meadowhawks, northern spreadwing, and common whitetail.
Atlantis fritillary, painted lady, clouded sulphur, hoary comma, mourning cloak.
American toad, wood frog, boreal chorus frog
Aerial Survey 2017
James Bay flats north of the Albany River. Photo: C. Friis
Longridge Point, with a view of what we call West Bay. Photo: C. Friis
Survey Summary
On 8 and 9 August 2017, Dr. Guy Morrison (Environment and Climate Change Canada Emeritus Research Scientist), Christian Friis (ECCC’s Canadian Wildlife Service), and Allie Anderson (PhD. candidate at Trent University), along with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry pilot Dan Kennedy, flew a survey of the James Bay coastline from the Quebec border in the east to Ekwan Point in the northwest, including around Akimiski Island. The objective of the survey is to count shorebird species within smaller sectors generally delineated by tributaries or other land forms, allowing comparison to previous aerial surveys of the region. Small shorebird species (e.g., Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and White-rumped Sandpiper) are generally not easily identified from the air, despite flying at low levels. These are grouped into peeps. Medium and large shorebird species (e.g., Black-bellied Plover, Red Knot, and Hudsonian Godwit) are generally identifiable from the air; yellowlegs are generally counted as yellowlegs species. Surveys are conducted by helicopter at high tide, when birds are concentrated into roost locations. At low tide, birds are spread out across kilometres of exposed sandflats that are characteristic of the James Bay coast. The low profile of the coast generates vast expanses of exposed flats at low tide, making it virtually impossible to get a reliable count at this point in the tidal cycle. In addition to counting shorebirds, we had a VHF receiver hooked up to an antenna at the nose of the helicopter logging locations of nanotagged birds detected along the coast. A coordinated ground count was carried out by personnel stationed at the three field camps located at Northbluff Point, Little Piskwamish Point, and Longridge Point. Ground counts can be used to estimate species composition of the aerial counts.
Aerial survey team (L-R): Guy Morrison, Dan Kennedy, Christian Friis.
Guy and Christian met Dan in Timmins on 8 August and flew north to Moosonee. From here, we began the survey at the estimated high tide for the Sand Head station. From the mouth of the Moose River and flying west and north, we stopped at the field camp at Northbluff Point and picked up Allie and continued on the survey. We concluded the day once we reached Ekwan Point in the north. At this area, there is a complete tidal switch, whereby when looking north there are kilometres of exposed flats; low tide. Looking south, the tide water is right up into the intertidal zone; high tide. From the air it’s an interesting sight!
We flew to Attawapiskat, where we spent the night at the White Wolf Inn. High tide on the north coast of Akimiski was estimated to occur in the morning. We set out around 0900h and flew Akimiski Island. Survey conditions were not ideal for this portion of the work, but they were passable. We refuelled in Attawapiskat and flew south to Moosonee to catch the high tide in the afternoon and survey the section from the Moose River and east to the Quebec border.
The area between Northbluff Point and Longridge Point harboured significant concentrations of shorebirds, along with the bulk of the Red Knots. Chickney Channel is far and away an area with significant concentrations of shorebirds and waterfowl. The bulk of godwits observed was at Chickney. East Point in Hannah Bay is another area with high concentrations of godwits, primarily Hudsonian Godwit. The southwestern section of Akimiski Island to Houston Point had the highest concentration of shorebirds around the island; although, as noted, the tide for this portion of the survey was not optimal.
Our initial impression from the flight was that numbers of birds were quite low, perhaps as a result of seeing fewer medium-sized and large shorebird species than the previous year. In 2016 Guy and Ken Ross flew the same survey route during the same period (9-12 August). The overall total in 2017 (about 105,600) was slightly lower than in 2016 (about 110,000). The total for small species was larger in 2017 (92,500 vs 77,000), though fewer medium-sized (7,200 vs 20,400) and large (5,900 vs 11,800) species were recorded. Most concerning is the low number of Red Knot observed. In 2016, over 10,000 individuals were observed. In 2017 about 3,000 were observed; 70% lower in 2017. Reasons for the low count are not well understood at this point, but the counts and conditions during spring migration at Delaware Bay were the worst in years, due in part to a late crab spawn in the bay. The poor conditions in Delaware Bay could affect the birds’ ability to gain enough resources to migrate successfully to Arctic breeding grounds. Dr. Larry Niles, who along with Dr. Amanda Dey head up the spring migrant shorebird research on the New Jersey side of Delaware Bay, estimates 30% of the Red Knot population reached the optimal weight (estimated at 180g) this spring in Delaware.
Conditions on the James Bay coast are very dry, which could affect resource availability for the birds. For example, a number of small tributaries that normally run and provide drinking water for the field crews at our study sites are dry, along with dry marsh conditions. A number of wells dug for drinking water at Northbluff Point are not replenishing, and rainfall amounts are extremely low so far.
Flats at Northbluff Point looking south. Photo. C. Friis
In summary, the total count of all shorebirds in 2017 was close to the total observed in 2016 (109,190 in 2016; 105,605 in 2017). The reduced number of medium and large shorebirds included in the total were made up for in an increased number of small shorebirds observed this year. The large concentrations of shorebirds and significant numbers of Red Knots and Hudsonian Godwits clearly identify James Bay as a significantly important area for staging migrant shorebirds!